The host cannot SSH the guest, but the guest can


This is a follow-up question from: Getting virtualbox to get a different IP address than my laptop . I ended up using these files /etc/hostson both my laptop (host) running Ubuntu 14.04 and my virtual machine (guest) running Ubuntu 14.04 :   localhost   gsamaras  // gsamaras-VirtualBox master    // the host slave-1   // the guest

I got the IP through this answer . When I set virtualbox to eth0 it doesn't return anything and the network seems to be disconnected, so in virtualbox I have the following settings:

Device -> Network -> Bridged Adapter (name wlan0)

I can use to switch from guest to host ssh master, but when on master I get:

gsamaras@gsamaras:~$ ssh slave-1
ssh: connect to host slave-1 port 22: Connection refused

Also note that on guest I get:

gsamaras@gsamaras-VirtualBox:~$ ssh localhost
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

How to solve?


From the guest :

gsamaras@gsamaras-VirtualBox:~$ netstat -an | grep -w LISTEN | grep -w 22

From the master :

gsamaras@gsamaras:~$ ping slave-1
PING slave-1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from slave-1 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.360 ms
Yelia Gray

An easy way to check the ssh service is to start and run locally on the guest:

ssh localhost


netstat -an | grep -w LISTEN | grep -w 22

If not installed, visit


The host cannot SSH the guest, but the guest can

Samaras This is a follow-up question from: Getting virtualbox to get a different IP address than my laptop . I ended up using these files /etc/hostson both my laptop (host) running Ubuntu 14.04 and my virtual machine (guest) running Ubuntu 14.04 :

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