Ionic 2 push notifications using FCM

Patrick Ian Co

I am implementing push notifications on my Android Ionic 2 App using Ionic Native FCM

When I get the notification in the foreground it works, but when I get the notification in the background, if I click it, nothing happens.



    .then(token => {
      this.nativeStorage.setItem('fcm-token', token);

    data => {
      console.log("NOTIF DATA: " + JSON.stringify(data));
        this.nav.push(MemoViewPage, {memo: {_id: data.memo_id}})'Received in bg')
        let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
          title: data.subject,
          message: "New memorandum",
          buttons: [
              text: 'Ignore',
              role: 'cancel'
              text: 'View',
              handler: () => {
                this.nav.push(MemoViewPage, {memo: {_id: data.memo_id}})

        alert.present();'Received in fg')

    .subscribe(token => {

The if(data.wasTapped)notification condition does not go off once I click on the system tray.


The app will open, but only in the home page not opening the specified page I set, i.e.this.nav.push(MemoViewPage, {memo: {_id: data.memo_id}})

I also can't get notifications when the app is killed or not running.


You can use pushplugin instead FCM.

 id: "testchannel1",
 description: "My first test channel",
 importance: 3
}).then(() => console.log('Channel created'));

You can then use pushObjects to specify the notification's needs, such as sounds, ions, etc.

const options: PushOptions = {
   android: {},
   ios: {
       alert: 'true',
       badge: true,
       sound: 'false'
   windows: {},
   browser: {
       pushServiceURL: ''

After that, you can easily get notifications whether you are using the app or not

const pushObject: PushObject = this.push.init(options);

pushObject.on('registration').subscribe((registration: any) => this.nativeStorage.setItem('fcm-token', token));

pushObject.on('notification').subscribe((notification: any) => console.log('Received a notification', notification));

You can use the options forceShow:truein pushObject initthe app whether the app is in use or not showing notifications.

And, as soon as you click on the notification, the app receives the notification payload and sets the app home page as the default home page.


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Ionic 2 push notifications using FCM

Patrick Ian Co I am implementing push notifications on my Android Ionic 2 App using Ionic Native FCM When I get the notification in the foreground it works, but when I get the notification in the background, if I click it, nothing happens. app.component.ts fir

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Patrick Ian Co I am implementing push notifications on my Android Ionic 2 App using Ionic Native FCM When I get the notification in the foreground it works, but when I get the notification in the background, if I click it, nothing happens. app.component.ts fir

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username This is a more question about the industry standard way of sending iOS push notifications using Firebase FCM tokens. I don't have my own push server and would like to take advantage of Firebase Cloud Functions. I'm building an app with chat functional

Unable to receive push notifications in foreground using FCM

Kunal Kushwaha I've been trying to get Firebase push notifications in my app. I have tried everything on the internet but can't find a solution. I keep getting notifications in the background, but I can't get notifications when the App is in the foreground. Bu