Elixir plugin: proper way to get form data from post request


I'm playing around with inserting a router and trying to read the body of a simple post request in the router :


<form action="/create_item" method="post">
  <input type="text" value="whatever" name="name">
  <input type="number" value="99" name="age">
  <input type="submit">

my router

post("/create_item") do
  {:ok, data, _conn} = read_body(conn)
  send_resp(conn, 200, data)

If I submit the form it renders name=input-valueto the page, but then I have to parse the string to get the value. This smells the wrong way.

From my little experience with elixir, it seems like I should be doing something like pattern matching on read_body(conn)to extract each key: valuefrom the form , but I can't find anything about this in the plug docs . I'm trying to dig out some ideas from Phoenix Resources, but it's beyond my knowledge of elixirs. Am I missing an obvious function?parse_form_data/1

what to hide

Plug.Conn.read_body/1Just read the body of the request without parsing it. To parse the body, you usually need to use a plugin that reads and parses the body of the request based on the content type of the request.Plug.Parsers

For example, if you insert like this:

plug Plug.Parsers, parsers: [:urlencoded]

Anywhere after that will conn.paramsbe available.


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Elixir plugin: proper way to get form data from post request

username I'm playing around with inserting a router and trying to read the body of a simple post request in the router : sheet <form action="/create_item" method="post"> <input type="text" value="whatever" name="name"> <input type="number" value="99" name=

Elixir plugin: proper way to get form data from post request

username I'm playing around with inserting a router and trying to read the body of a simple post request in the router : sheet <form action="/create_item" method="post"> <input type="text" value="whatever" name="name"> <input type="number" value="99" name=

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young stupid question god I want to get JSON from a form I've created with Reactstrap to be able to post it to my backend. I found this example. I want to use Reactstrap, so I can't put it onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}on that Formcomponent. That's why I thought

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workbench In my laravel 5.7 app, I have a controller with the following method that sends a post request to the lumen api using GuzzleHttp\Client. public function insert(Request $request) { $domain = Config::get('url.gcr_api'); // gcr_api is defin

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Nathan Loudon I keep getting null values with the following code: Ajax request: formData = { u: "3959eeadb32e02b85a792e21c", id: "6d7613df26" }; $.ajax({ url: "/includes/loginProcess.php", type: "

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Nathan Loudon I keep getting null values with the following code: Ajax request: formData = { u: "3959eeadb32e02b85a792e21c", id: "6d7613df26" }; $.ajax({ url: "/includes/loginProcess.php", type: "

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workbench In my laravel 5.7 app, I have a controller with the following method that sends a post request to the lumen api using GuzzleHttp\Client. public function insert(Request $request) { $domain = Config::get('url.gcr_api'); // gcr_api is defin