Call another Web API from a Web API without waiting for the result

Gabriel G.Roy

Is there a way to trigger a call to an external web API Httpin my own web API without having to wait for the result?

I'm in a situation where I don't really care if the call is successful and don't need the result of that query.

I'm currently doing the following in one of my Web API methods:

var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = someOtherApiAddress };
client.PostAsync("DoSomething", null);

I can't put this code in a usingstatement because the call won't pass in this case. I also don't want to call .Result()the task because I don't want to wait for the query to finish.

I'm trying to understand what it means to do something like this. I've read a lot that it 's really dangerous , but I'm not sure why. For example, what happens when my initial query ends. Will IISdispose of thread and client objects, will this cause problems on the other side of the query?


Is there a way to make Http calls to an external web API in my own web API without waiting for the result?

Yes. This is called a misfire. However, it seems that you have already discovered it.

I'm trying to understand the implications of doing something like this

Answers linked to these three risks in a link in your state:

  1. Unhandled exceptions in threads not associated with the request will cause the process to be interrupted. This happens even if you set a handler via the Application_Error method.

This means that any exception thrown in your application or the receiving application will not be caught (there are ways to overcome this)

  1. If you run your site in a web farm, you may end up with multiple instances of your application, all trying to run the same task at the same time. It's more challenging to handle than the first project, but still not too hard. A typical approach is to use a resource common to all servers (such as a database) as a synchronization mechanism to coordinate tasks.

You may have multiple dismissals and forget to call when you intend to make only one call.

  1. The AppDomain in which your website is running can be closed for a number of reasons, killing your background tasks along with it. If it happens in the middle of code execution, it can corrupt data.

This is dangerous. If your AppDomain fails, it can corrupt the data being sent to another API, causing unexpected behavior on the other end.


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