antlr4: syntax ambiguity, left recursion, all?

Kode Charlie

My syntax looks like below and it doesn't compile. The error returned (from the antlr4 maven plugin) is:

[INFO] --- antlr4-maven-plugin:4.3:antlr4 (default-cli) @ beebell ---
[INFO] ANTLR 4: Processing source directory /Users/kodecharlie/workspace/beebell/src/main/antlr4
[INFO] Processing grammar: DateRange.g4
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from line 13:87 mismatched tree node: startTime expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from after line 13:87 mismatched tree node: RULE expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from line 13:87 mismatched tree node: startTime expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from after line 13:87 mismatched tree node: RULE expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from line 13:87 mismatched tree node: startTime expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from after line 13:87 mismatched tree node: RULE expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from line 13:87 mismatched tree node: startTime expecting <UP>
org\antlr\v4\parse\GrammarTreeVisitor.g: node from after line 13:87 mismatched tree node: RULE expecting <UP>
[ERROR] error(20):  internal error: Rule HOUR undefined 
[ERROR] error(20):  internal error: Rule MINUTE undefined 
[ERROR] error(20):  internal error: Rule SECOND undefined 
[ERROR] error(20):  internal error: Rule HOUR undefined 
[ERROR] error(20):  internal error: Rule MINUTE undefined 

I can see that the syntax can be confused - for example, is the 2 digit number MINUTE, SECOND or HOUR (or maybe the start of the year). But some articles suggest that this error is caused by left recursion.

Can you tell me what happened?

thanks. Here is the syntax:

grammar DateRange;

range     : startDate (THRU endDate)? | 'Every' LONG_DAY 'from' startDate THRU endDate ;

startDate : dateTime ;
endDate   : dateTime ;

// Dates.
SHRT_MDY  : MOY ('/' | '-') DOM ('/' | '-') YEAR ;
LONG_MDY  : (SHRT_MNTH '.'? | LONG_MNTH) WS DOM ','? (WS YEAR (','? WS TIMESPAN)? | WS startTime)? ;

MOY       : (DIGIT | DIGIT DIGIT) ;     // month of year.
DOM       : (DIGIT | DIGIT DIGIT) ;     // day of month.
TIMESPAN  : startTime (WS THRU WS endTime)? ;

// Time-of-day.
startTime : TOD ;
endTime   : TOD ;
NOON      : 'noon' ;
MERIDIAN  : 'AM' | 'am' | 'PM' | 'pm' ;

// 24-hour clock.  Sanity-check range in listener.

// Range verb.
THRU      : WS ('-'|'to') WS -> skip ;

// Weekdays.
SHRT_DAY  : 'Sun' | 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' -> skip ;
LONG_DAY  : 'Sunday' | 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | 'Wednesday' | 'Thursday' | 'Friday' | 'Saturday' -> skip ;

// Months.
SHRT_MNTH : 'Jan' | 'Feb' | 'Mar' | 'Apr' | 'May' | 'Jun' | 'Jul' | 'Aug' | 'Sep' | 'Oct' | 'Nov' | 'Dec' ;
LONG_MNTH : 'January' | 'February' | 'March' | 'April' | 'May' | 'June' | 'July' | 'August' | 'September' | 'October' | 'November' | 'December' ;

DIGIT     : [0-9] ;
WS        : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
Kode Charlie

I solved this problem by setting a unique production rule for each sequence of numbers (length 1, 2, 3 or 4). Again, I've simplified several rules - in fact, trying to make the alternative to production rules more straightforward. Anyway, here is the final result of the compilation:

grammar DateRange;

range     : 'Every' WS longDay WS 'from' WS startDate THRU endDate
          | startDate THRU endDate
          | startDate

startDate : dateTime ; endDate   : dateTime ; dateTime  : utc
          | shrtMdy
          | yyyymmdd
          | longMdy
          | weekDay ','? WS longMdy

// Dates.
utc       : yyyymmdd 'T' hour ':' minute ':' second ('-'|'+') hour ':' minute ;
yyyymmdd  : year '-' moy '-' dom ;
shrtMdy : moy ('/' | '-') dom ('/' | '-') year ;
longMdy   : longMonth WS dom ','? optYearAndOrTime?
          | shrtMonth '.'? WS dom ','? optYearAndOrTime?

optYearAndOrTime : WS year ','? WS timespan
                 | WS year
                 | WS timespan

fragment DIGIT : [0-9] ;

year      : FOUR_DIGITS ;                   // year
moy       : ONE_DIGIT | TWO_DIGITS ;        // month of year.
dom       : ONE_DIGIT | TWO_DIGITS ;        // day of month.
timespan  : (tod THRU tod) | tod ;

// Time-of-day.
tod       : noon | (hour2 (':' minute)? WS? meridian?) ;
noon      : 'noon' ; hour2     : ONE_DIGIT | TWO_DIGITS ;
meridian  : ('AM' | 'am' | 'PM' | 'pm' | 'a.m.' | 'p.m.') ;

// 24-hour clock.  Sanity-check range in listener.
hour      : TWO_DIGITS ;
minute    : TWO_DIGITS ;
second    : TWO_DIGITS ;   // we do not use seconds.

// Range verb.
THRU      : WS? ('-'|'–'|'to') WS? ;

// Weekdays.
weekDay   : shrtDay | longDay ; shrtDay   : 'Sun' | 'Mon' | 'Tue' | 'Wed' | 'Thu' | 'Fri' | 'Sat' ; longDay   : 'Sunday' | 'Monday' | 'Tuesday' | 'Wednesday' | 'Thursday' | 'Friday' | 'Saturday' ;

// Months.
shrtMonth : 'Jan' | 'Feb' | 'Mar' | 'Apr' | 'May' | 'Jun' | 'Jul' | 'Aug' | 'Sep' | 'Oct' | 'Nov' | 'Dec' ;
longMonth : 'January' | 'February' | 'March' | 'April' | 'May' | 'June' | 'July' | 'August' | 'September' | 'October' | 'November' | 'December' ;

WS        : ~[a-zA-Z0-9,.:]+ ;


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antlr4: syntax ambiguity, left recursion, all?

Kode Charlie My syntax looks like below and it doesn't compile. The error returned (from the antlr4 maven plugin) is: [INFO] --- antlr4-maven-plugin:4.3:antlr4 (default-cli) @ beebell --- [INFO] ANTLR 4: Processing source directory /Users/kodecharlie/workspace

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ANTLR4 self and mutual left recursion

TOEFL Is there an easy conversion or alternative to get this to work in ANTLR4? a : a p | b q | c ; b : b r | a s | d ; That is, aand bis self-left recursive and mutually left recursive, the other rules ( c, d, p, q, r, s) are simple rules just p

antlr4: syntax ambiguity, left recursion, all?

Kode Charlie My syntax looks like below and it doesn't compile. The error returned (from the antlr4 maven plugin) is: [INFO] --- antlr4-maven-plugin:4.3:antlr4 (default-cli) @ beebell --- [INFO] ANTLR 4: Processing source directory /Users/kodecharlie/workspace

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Depp I have two mutually left recursive rules: frag : ID | NUMBER | TRUE | FALSE | expr ; expr: frag (PLUS | MINUS) frag | LBR expr RBR | frag ; The issue is:The following sets of rules are mutually left-recursive [frag, expr] I'm new to AN

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Riaz This question is a follow-up report on a similar problem with Java code - how-to-report-grammar-ambiguity-in-antlr4 . I'm trying to port this code to C++, but I'm getting some compilation errors when using antlr templates. The main program in C++ is as fo

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Riaz This question is a follow-up report on a similar problem with Java code - how-to-report-grammar-ambiguity-in-antlr4 . I'm trying to port this code to C++, but I'm getting some compilation errors when using antlr templates. The main program in C++ is as fo

How to report syntax ambiguity in Antlr4 using C++ Target

Riaz This question is a follow-up report on a similar problem with Java code - how-to-report-grammar-ambiguity-in-antlr4 . I'm trying to port this code to C++, but I'm getting some compilation errors when using antlr templates. The main program in C++ is as fo

How to report syntax ambiguity in Antlr4 using C++ Target

Riaz This question is a follow-up report on a similar problem with Java code - how-to-report-grammar-ambiguity-in-antlr4 . I'm trying to port this code to C++, but I'm getting some compilation errors when using antlr templates. The main program in C++ is as fo

ANTLR4 self and mutual left recursion

TOEFL Is there an easy conversion or alternative to get this to work in ANTLR4? a : a p | b q | c ; b : b r | a s | d ; That is, aand bis self-left recursive and mutually left recursive, the other rules ( c, d, p, q, r, s) are simple rules just p

ANTLR4 self and mutual left recursion

TOEFL Is there an easy conversion or alternative to get this to work in ANTLR4? a : a p | b q | c ; b : b r | a s | d ; That is, aand bis self-left recursive and mutually left recursive, the other rules ( c, d, p, q, r, s) are simple rules just p

Antlr4 syntax ambiguity for two identical prefix rules

spell So for the SQL expression editor (simplified) I have the following syntax rules: FUNCTIONID: 'sum' | 'avg'; functionExpr: FUNCTIONID '(' expr ')' AGGFUNCTIONID: 'sum' | 'avg' aggFunctionExpr: AGGFUNCTIONID '(' expr ')' 'over' ... The code works for exp