Rotate vertical rectangle to horizontal rectangle using Python Kivy - how?


I'm trying to write a game in Python Kivy and am stuck on just one thing, it's going to be a simple problem, but I haven't found a solution anywhere.

I want the line in the middle of the screen (see attached image) to be horizontal instead of vertical, meaning left to right. Is there any way to rotate this? Or do I have to change something in the script?

Change vertical lines to horizontal lines

Here is my script to create the graph:

          pos:    self.center_x - 5, 0
          size: 10, self.height

I would appreciate any help. Remember, I'm still a beginner.

best regards,


John Anderson

A good way is to use kv, like this:

    rotate: False  # property to control rotation
            pos:  (0, self.center_y - 5) if self.rotate else (self.center_x - 5, 0)
            size: (self.width, 10) if self.rotate else (10, self.height)

This code defines the property ( rotate) that controls the rotation PongGame. If it rotateis False, Rectangledraw your original , but if it rotateis True, Rectangledraw the rotation . Similar results can be achieved with python code, but you have to write more code (bindings) to handle user changes PongGame. Do all this kvand let kivy handle those bindings.

Once you have this code, you can rotate it PongGameusing :

def rotate(self, dt):
    self.root.rotate = not self.root.rotate

in your PongApp.


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