How can I rotate a rectangle using a matrix and get the modified rectangle?

Andrea Richards

I've searched all the links for rectangle rotation, but nothing seems to apply to my problem. I have a RectangleF structure that I want to input into a rotation matrix. Then use the resulting RectangleF to pass to other functions.

The reason for wanting to use a matrix is ​​because I might also perform translation, then scale, and then pass the resulting rectangle to other functions like

RectangleF original = new RectangleF(0,0, 100, 100);
Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.Translate(10, 20);

....   (what do I do here ?)

RectangleF modified = (How/where do I get the result?)


How can I achieve this?

I don't want to draw this rectangle on the screen or anything else. I only need these values, but all the examples I read use the graphics class for transforming and drawing, which is not what I want.

thank you very much


The System.Drawing.Rectanglestructure is always orthogonal and cannot be rotated. You can only rotate its corner points.

Here is an example of doing this using Matrix:

Matrix M = new Matrix();

// just a rectangle for testing..
Rectangle R = panel1.ClientRectangle;

// create an array of all corner points:
var p = new PointF[] {
    new PointF(R.Right, R.Top),
    new PointF(R.Right, R.Bottom),
    new PointF(R.Left, R.Bottom) };

// rotate by 15° around the center point:
M.RotateAt(15, new PointF(R.X + R.Width / 2, R.Top + R.Height / 2));

// just a quick (and dirty!) test:
using (Graphics g = panel1.CreateGraphics())
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightBlue, R);
    g.DrawPolygon(Pens.DarkGoldenrod, p );

The trick is to create an array that contains Pointor PointFcontains all the points you're interested in , here the four corners; you can Matrixthen transform those points based on various things you ask for, rotation around a point is one of them. Others include zoom , cut and pan .

The result is as expected:

enter image description here

If you need this functionality repeatedly, you need to create a function that converts a Rectangle to a Point[] and back.

Note that the latter is not actually possible as mentioned above, since it Rectangleis always orthogonal, i.e. cannot be rotated , so you have to look for the corners. Or switch to the class Rectfrom the namespace System.WindowsQuergo shows in its post .


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