Why to_date doesn't work when results are filtered to match my date format (Oracle SQL)

Tom Bennett

I have a table 'A' with one column (VARCHAR2). The table contains one row containing the text "01/01/2021" and another row containing the text "A".

When I try to filter out "A" and then do a date update on the remaining values, I get "ORA-01858: non-numeric character found where a number was expected". I have tried both ways.

select *
from tbl
where col <> 'A'
and to_Date(col,'DD/MM/YYYY') = to_date('01/01/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');

select *
from (  select * 
        from tbl 
        where col <> 'A')
where to_Date(col,'DD/MM/YYYY') = to_date('01/01/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');

I can understand why the first method might not work, but in the second example, to_date should only see the filtered data (ie "01/01/2020").

When I delete the value of 'A', the statement runs and I get my results, so it seems to conclude that the reason it didn't run is because it was trying to update the value of 'A' even though that was supposed to be to Filter out then.

I've been able to replicate this file using the actual Oracle table, but unfortunately when I try to reproduce the table with WITH AS, the query works and no errors are encountered - another mystery!

Why doesn't this query work? The order of operations seems to be satisfactory (if I use WITH AS it works).

justin cave

Oracle (and other databases) are not obligated to evaluate predicates applied to inline views before evaluating outer predicates. In fact, often from a performance optimization standpoint, you want the optimizer to push select predicates from the outer query into the view, inline view, or subquery. In this case, whether the query throws an error will depend on the query plan chosen by the optimizer and which predicates it evaluates first.

As a quick trick, you can change the inline view to prevent the predicate from being pushed. In this case, the presence of a rownumprevents the optimizer from pushing the predicate. You can also use hints like no_push_predtrying to force the optimizer to use the plan you want

select *
from (  select t.*, rownum rn
        from tbl t
        where col <> 'A')
where to_Date(col,'DD/MM/YYYY') = to_date('01/01/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');

The problem with these two quick hacks, though, is that some future versions of the optimizer may have more options than you realize today, so you may run into problems in the future.

A better option is to rewrite the query so that you don't have to worry about the evaluation order of the predicates. In this case (depending on the Oracle version) this is very simple as it to_dateallows you to specify a value in the event of a conversion error

select *
from tbl
where col <> 'A'
and to_Date(col default null on conversion error,'DD/MM/YYYY') = 

If you're using an earlier version of Oracle, or to_datejust an example of a real problem, you can create a custom function that does the same thing.

create function safe_to_date( p_str in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 )
  return date
  return to_date( p_str, p_fmt );
  when value_error
    return null;
end safe_to_date;
select *
from tbl
where col <> 'A'
and safe_to_date(col,'DD/MM/YYYY') = to_date('01/01/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');


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