Is a const int ref in a constructor safe to bind to a literal?

Ryan Haining

I know the standard has an exception for extending the lifetime of temporary objects, which basically says that binding a const reference in a constructor doesn't extend the lifetime, but does that apply to literals as well? E.g:

class C {
        const int& ref;
        C(const int& in)
            : ref{in}
        { }

If I have a function that returns an object of this type

C f() {
    C c(2);
    return c;

Will the value c.refin the caller be undefined if I know it must be literal?


No. _ You can't use the reference after the constructor has finished executing. A temporary class is always introduced when
a prvalue of a non-class type is bound to a -reference of the constsame type . So the parameter reference of the constructor will refer to a temporary object which will be destroyed once the reference goes out of scope. After that, the member reference is dangling, and attempts to access the stored value behind that reference will result in UB. [dcl.init.ref]/5:

The reference input " CV1 T1 " is initialized by an expression of type " CV2 T2 " as follows:

  • If the reference is an lvalue reference and an initializer expression
    • is an lvalue (but not a bitfield), and [..]
    • has a class type (ie, T2is a class type) [..]
  • Otherwise, the reference shall be an lvalue reference to a non-volatile consttype (i.e. cv1 is const), or the reference shall be an rvalue reference.

    • if the initializer expression

      • is an xvalue (but not a bitfield), class prvalue, array prvalue or function lvalue and [..]
      • has class type [..]
    • Otherwise: (

      • If T1the class type [..]
      • If T1of non-class type, a temporary of type " cv1 " is created and copy-initialized from the initializer expression (8.5). Then bind the reference to the temporary directory.T1

Not surprisingly, integer literals are indeed prvalues. [expr.prim.general]/1:

String literals are lvalues; all other literals are prvalues.

Finally, [class.temporary]/5 if it's unclear:

A temporary object that references a bound temporary object or a complete object that references a bound child object persists for the lifetime of the reference, except in the following cases:

  • In the constructor's ctor-initializer (12.6.2), temporary bindings to reference members persist until the constructor exits.


Is a const int ref in a constructor safe to bind to a literal?

Ryan Haining I know the standard has an exception for extending the lifetime of temporary objects, which basically says that binding a const reference in a constructor doesn't extend the lifetime, but does that apply to literals as well? E.g: class C { pri

Is a const int ref in a constructor safe to bind to a literal?

Ryan Haining I know the standard has an exception for extending the lifetime of temporary objects, which basically says that binding a const reference in a constructor doesn't extend the lifetime, but does that apply to literals as well? E.g: class C { pri

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