The certificate chain could not be established to a trusted root authority


During the installation of .NET Framework 4.6.2, I get the error:

.NET Framework installation failed: -2146762486. The certificate chain could not be established to a trusted root authority

A solution to the above error is provided by the MSDN Blog link which instructs the following steps:

1. Download the certificate locally (Example: C:\Temp)

2. You can use the certmgr.exe utility to add certificates via the command line. See the Certmgr.exe (Certificate Manager Tool) topic on MSDN for more information.

3. Open an administrative command prompt and run the following command: certmgr.exe /add C:\Temp\MicRooCerAut2011_2011_03_22.cer /s /r localMachine root

4. Next, try to install hotfix KB3135996 or KB3136000

my question:

The installation of .NET Framework 4.6.2 has to be done on multiple production systems, so are the above steps standard ? I mean, would it be a problem to have the same certificate installed on multiple systems ? Will there be a conflict when the system is connected to the Internet at some point?

PS: Solving this problem (managing certificates) by connecting the system to the internet is not an option for me as the whole process has to be offline .


Will installing the same certificate on multiple systems cause problems?

No, there will be no problem even connecting the system to the internet in the future.

When you connect your system to the Internet and update it, it can download a package of trusted certificates. These certificates will be added to the trusted root store. The existing will simply be replaced IMO.


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