iOS checks if root certificate is installed *and* trusted

Aluminum Gallium

Our app is installing the root CA profile and I want to verify that it is installed and trusted by the user.

For now, this is roughly what we do (pruned for the core)

SecPolicyRef policyObj = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509();
SecTrustRef trustObj;
OSStatus error = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates((__bridge CFTypeRef _Nonnull)(fullChain), policyObj, &trustObj);

SecTrustResultType result;
error = SecTrustEvaluate(trustObj, &result);


return (kSecTrustResultUnspecified == result || kSecTrustResultProceed == result);

The problem is that once the profile is installed, the result is either kSecTrustResultUnspecified (iOS 10~) or kSecTrustResultProceed (iOS 11~), but I want to check if the user trusts it (under General->About->Trust Settings)

I dug into Apple's documentation and found nothing, and in the SecTrustEvaluate documentation it says that the return value "continue" means the user trusts the certificate.

proceed— The user explicitly chose to trust a certificate in the chain (usually by clicking a button in a certificate trust panel).

Anyone know how to do this? What am I missing?

Aluminum Gallium

So after googling around, I found that SecPolicyCreateSSL works as expected, but still not 100% why SecPolicyCreateBasicX509 doesn't.

So, for future reference, here is what we did if anyone encounters this problem,

SecPolicyRef policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, NULL);
SecTrustRef testTrust;

OSStatus status = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates((__bridge CFArrayRef)fullChain, policy, &testTrust);
status = SecTrustEvaluate(testTrust, &trustResult);


return (status == errSecSuccess) && (kSecTrustResultUnspecified == trustResult || kSecTrustResultProceed == trustResult);;

(basically use SecPolicyCreateSSL instead)


iOS checks if root certificate is installed *and* trusted

Aluminum Gallium Our app is installing the root CA profile and I want to verify that it is installed and trusted by the user. For now, this is roughly what we do (pruned for the core) SecPolicyRef policyObj = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509(); SecTrustRef trustObj; O

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