Where is the network interface generated from in VirtualBox?


Currently I have Windows 10, Virtualbox 5.20 setup and some old/unwanted network interfaces as shown by VirtualBox.

If I look at the current VirtualBox settings under "Bridged Networking" I find the following interfaces:

List of VirtualBox Interfaces

I used some interfaces on the system a few years ago, but couldn't find anything left on the system. Do you have an idea where you can find them and remove them from your system?

Additional information about the device:

Interface list of NetworkInterafeView:


List of Windows interfaces:

Windows network interface

thank you very much for your help!


Finally, I found the solution posted at https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=82574&hilit=bridgedif&start=15#p396149 :

My old network adapter is stored in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkSetup2\Interfaces\a location that my admin account cannot access. NetSetupSvcand only TrustedInstaller.

So I downloaded RunAsTI and regedit.exewent in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkSetup2\Interfaces\and deleted them from the GUID I got from them VBoxManage.exe list bridgedifs.

After that they disappeared and I could sleep deeper again ;).

thank you for your help.


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