JavaScript Canvas - Rectangle rotates around circle


I'm trying to make a rectangle to rotate around a circle and rotate around itself. My wonderful drawing will show what I mean :)

enter image description here

I made a rotated rectangle around the circle, but I cannot rotate the rectangle around it. Can someone help me? my code:

var game = {

        canvas: document.getElementById('mycanvas'),

        ctx: document.getElementById('mycanvas').getContext('2d'), 

        char: {
            x: 100,
            y: 100,
            w: 50,
            h: 50,
            inc: 0

        init: function() {


        Player: {
            move: function() {

       += 0.05;

                    x =, 
                    y =;

                    game.char.x = 100 * (Math.cos(x));
                    game.char.y = 100 * (Math.sin(y));



        drawAll: function() {
            game.ctx.translate(400, 300);
            game.ctx.fillRect(game.char.x, game.char.y, game.char.w, game.char.h);
            game.ctx.translate(-400, -300);
$(function() { game.init(); });


You can use the canvas transform to rotate the rectangle around the center point:

Demo : _

function animate(){

    // request that the animation continues when this frame is done


    // draw a circle for the rect to rotate around


    // save the untransformed context state;

    // move the origin(0,0) of the canvas to cx,cy


    // rotate the entire canvas around the new origin(cx,cy)


    // draw a rectangle
    // note: just draw it like it's in unrotated space
    // translate+rotate make this possible without needing lots of math!


    // restore the context to its untransformed state




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