Rotate rectangle around circumference of circle on canvas


I'm trying to create a circular "equalizer" effect using JavaScript and HTML canvas for a small project I'm working on, and it works great, except for one small thing. It's just a series of rectangular bars moving to the mp3 over time, nothing fancy, but at the moment all bars point in one direction (eg 0 radians or 90 degrees).

I want each rectangle around the edge of the circle to point directly away from the center point, not to the right. I have 360 ​​bars, so naturally each bar should be rotated 1 degree more than the previous one.

I thought doing angle = i * Math.PI/180 would fix this, but it doesn't seem to matter what I do with the rotation functions - they always end up pointing in weird and wonderful directions and being translated a million miles from them where it is. I do not understand why. Can anyone see where I am going wrong?

My framework code is as follows:

function frames() {

  // Clear the canvas and get the mp3 array
  musicArray = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  bars = 360;

  for (var i = 0; i < bars; i++) {

    // Find the rectangle's position on circle edge
    distance = 100;
    var angle = i * ((Math.PI * 2) / bars);
    var x = Math.cos(angle) * distance + (canvas.width / 2);
    var y = Math.sin(angle) * distance + (canvas.height / 2);
    barWidth = 5;
    barHeight = (musicArray[i] / 4);

    // Fill with a blue-green gradient
    var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(x, 0, x + 40, 0);
    grd.addColorStop(0, "#00CCFF");
    grd.addColorStop(1, "#00FF7F");
    ctx.fillStyle = grd;

    // Rotate the rectangle according to position
    // ctx.rotate(i*Math.PI/180); - DOESN'T WORK

    // Draw the rectangle
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, barHeight, barWidth);



I have removed parts of the code for clarity. I am using rotation as you would expect. Also, I barHeight = (Math.random()* 50);switched to yours (musicArray[i]/4);because I wanted to show something.

Also, I have changed your bar to 180. Chances are you won't have 360 ​​bars, but 32 or 64 or 128 or 256. . . You can now change the bare metal number to one of these numbers to see the results.

I'm drawing everything around the origin of the canvas, with the context translated in the middle.

Hope this helps you.

const canvas = document.getElementById("c");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let cw = canvas.width = 400;
let ch = canvas.height = 400;

let bars = 180;
let r = 100;

ctx.translate(cw / 2, ch / 2)

for (var i = 0; i < 360; i += (360 / bars)) {

  // Find the rectangle's position on circle edge

  var angle = i * ((Math.PI * 2) / bars);
  //var x = Math.cos(angle)*r+(canvas.width/2);
  //var y = Math.sin(angle)*r+(canvas.height/2);
  barWidth = 2 * Math.PI * r / bars;
  barHeight = (Math.random() * 50);

  ctx.fillStyle = "green";

  // Rotate the rectangle according to position
  // ctx.rotate(i*Math.PI/180); - DOESN'T WORK

  // Draw the rectangle;
  ctx.rotate(i * Math.PI / 180);

  ctx.fillRect(r, -barWidth / 2, barHeight, barWidth);

  //ctx.fillRect(r ,0, barHeight, barWidth);

canvas {
  border: 1px solid
<canvas id="c"></canvas>


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