select function doesn't work just get the array I want

CallMeLoki :

I have a file like this

"_id": {
    "$oid": "570bc73da8ebd9005dd54de3"
"title": "dota",
"imgurl": "",
"description": "",
"hints": [
        "date": "2016-04-26 22:50:12.6069011 +0430 IRDT",
        "description": "narinin"
        "date": "2016-04-26 22:50:12.6069011 +0430 IRDT",
        "description": "doros shod"

The script I execute is

hints := hints{}
err := db.C("games").Find(bson.M{"title": game}).Select(bson.M{"hints": 0}).One(&hints)

My two structures are

type Game struct {
Id          bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Title       string        `json:"title"`
Imgurl      string        `json:"imgurl"`
Description string        `json:"desc"`
Hints       []*hint       `bson:"hints", json:"hints"`

type hint struct {
    Description string    `json:"desc"`
    Date        time.Time `json:"date"`

When I use the script, all I get is a date string that doesn't make sense, not even witch in the docs, how can I get part of the prompt from the game


You also have to keep using Gamestruct to receive results, even for hintscolumns only. Your select query should also be .Select(bson.M{"hints": 1}).

I fixed your code and tried this locally.

game := Game{}
err = db.C("games").Find(bson.M{"title": "dota"})
        .Select(bson.M{"hints": 1}).One(&game)
if err != nil {

for _, hint := range game.Hints {
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", *hint)

All properties except gameare empty Hints.

Edit 1

To get the first 10 rows hints, the easiest way is to play the slice, but that's bad because it needs to get all the rows first.

for _, hint := range game.Hints[:10] { // 10 rows
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", *hint)

Another solution (better) is by using $sliceon the .Select()query.

selector := bson.M{"hints": bson.M{"$slice": 10}} // 10 rows

err = db.C("so").Find(bson.M{"title": "dota"})

Edit 2

Use []int{skip, limit}on $sliceto support skip and limit.

selector := bson.M{"hints": bson.M{"$slice": []int{0, 10}}}


select function doesn't work just get the array I want

CallMeLoki : I have a file like this { "_id": { "$oid": "570bc73da8ebd9005dd54de3" }, "title": "dota", "imgurl": "", "description": "", "hints": [ { "date": "2016-04-26 22:50:12.6069011 +0430 IRDT", "description": "narinin" }

select function doesn't work just get the array I want

CallMeLoki : I have a file like this { "_id": { "$oid": "570bc73da8ebd9005dd54de3" }, "title": "dota", "imgurl": "", "description": "", "hints": [ { "date": "2016-04-26 22:50:12.6069011 +0430 IRDT", "description": "narinin" }

select function doesn't work just get the array I want

CallMeLoki : I have a file like this { "_id": { "$oid": "570bc73da8ebd9005dd54de3" }, "title": "dota", "imgurl": "", "description": "", "hints": [ { "date": "2016-04-26 22:50:12.6069011 +0430 IRDT", "description": "narinin" }

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