Single jQuery POST with multiple buttons and responsive actions


I am sending the same POST value multiple times. Is it possible to just set the POST value once and then use it multiple times with different buttons?

Example: Complete code:

              name:$( '#name' ).val(),
              subject:$( '#subject' ).val()
          function(response) {
            //do something with response...

I want to do something like this:

function getPost(){
     name:$( '#name' ).val(),
     subject:$( '#subject' ).val()

              function(response) {
                //do AAAAA...

              function(response) {
                //do BBBBB...
Gerald Eastar

Something like this might be

function getData(){
  return {
     name:$( '#name' ).val(),
     subject:$( '#subject' ).val()

  $.post(url, getData(), function( response ){ /* do AAA with respone */ });

  $.post(url, getData(), function( response ){ /* do BBB with response */ });


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