How to authenticate Websocket client in jetty?

Pradeep Agarwal

I am using embedded Jetty on the server side which will accept http and websocket requests. I am using to authenticate users. Once the user is logged in, my javascript code will open a websocket connection to the server. I would like to know how the server authenticates this websocket client to avoid accepting websocket connections from unauthorized clients such as java clients.

Joachim Edelfeldt

Assuming you have the embedded jetty set up correctly, it will use the same security constraint system as a normal web application to validate the user role assigned to the url pattern for that WebSocket.

This will prevent the websocket upgrade from even happening (try it on the server side) if the user is not authenticated and set with the authorization role for that websocket.

Note, however, that browsers will behave very differently on the scheme. If there is an authentication or authorization issue, you probably won't get a nice error message from the javascript WebSocket object. It will just fail anonymously with the client only closing code (e.g. 1006) and no closing reason.


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