How to display all testimonials on a single page via shortcode in wordpress?


I created shortcode to display all testimonials on one page. I created custom post type to add each testimonial. Can anyone tell me how to display all testimonials on a single page. This code is used to create sshortcode below the code I mentioned :-

function fn_testimonials_block()
$args = array(
    'post_type'=> 'testimonials',
    'order'    => 'ASC'

$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );

$pages              = $the_query->posts;

//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";


$output = '';
$count = 1;

foreach($pages as $page) {


    $author         = $page->post_title;
    $testimonial    = $page->post_content;
    $page_url       = get_page_link( $page->ID );
    $author_image   = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $page->ID, 'thumbnail' );

    if ($count%2 == 1)
         $output .= '<div>';

    $output .= '<div>
              <img src="'.$author_image .'"> <span>'.$author.', </span></p>

    if ($count%2 == 0) 
        $output .= '</div>';



if ($count%4 != 1){
    $output .= '</div>';

return $output;
large pores

I think you have to pass the 'posts_per_page' key in the $args array . So your $args array looks like this

$args = array(
    'post_type'=> 'testimonials',
    'order'    => 'ASC',
    'posts_per_page' => '-1'

I'm not sure what $count variable you are using . I think you're trying to implement pagination logic there, but since your question is about showing all testimonials on a single page, I won't get into that part.

Making changes in $args will return all referral objects.


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