Create a text file and email it without saving it locally


I want to create a text file in Python, write something to it, and email it out ( test.txtas an email attachment).

However, I cannot save this file locally. Does anyone know how to do this?

As soon as the text file is opened for writing, the file is saved on the local computer.

f = open("test.txt","w+")

I am using smtpliband MIMEMultipartsending mail.


StringIO is the way to go...

from email import encoders
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

from io import StringIO

email = MIMEMultipart()
email['Subject'] = 'subject'
email['To'] = '[email protected]'
email['From'] = '[email protected]'

# Add the attachment to the message
f = StringIO()
# write some content to 'f'
f.write("content for 'test.txt'")

msg = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream")


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