Rails - TypeError: nil is neither a symbol nor a string when updating


I am trying to update properties. This is a boolean value that defaults to false. In my method, I do a query to find the right user. Then I tried to update the user by flipping owner booleanset to true. What I'm getting is a very strange error because it's updating the method, but it's also giving this errorTypeError: nil is not a symbol nor a string

I just want to know what I'm doing wrong.


def update
  membership = current_account.account_memberships.find_by(user_id: params[:id])
  membership.update(owner: true)


<%= link_to "Owner", account_membership_path(user), {
  class: "icon icon-owner-upgrade",
  method: :patch,
} %>

If you want to update records on changing model - it might just be "foreing key", but no "primary key". If you add a line "self.primary_key" like this, it solves the problem:

YourDependentRecord <ApplicationRecord
  self.primary_key = 'USER_ID'

where 'user_id' - is the primary key in the main model.


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