Gaussian Mixture Models for Pixel Clustering

Huckleberry Finn

I have a small aerial image where human experts have marked the different terrain visible in the image. For example, an image can contain vegetation, rivers, rocky mountains, farmland, etc. Each image can have one or more of these marked areas. Using this small labeled dataset, I want to fit a Gaussian mixture model for each known terrain type. After doing this, I will have N GMMs for every N kinds of terrain that might be encountered in the image.

Now, given a new image, I want to determine which terrain each pixel belongs to by assigning the pixels to the most probable GMM. Is this the right way of thinking? If yes, how can I use GMM to cluster images

With QUIT--Anony-Mousse

If you use labeled training data, there will be no clustering!

However, you can easily use the labeling feature of the GMM cluster.

To do this, calculate the prior probability, mean and covariance matrices, and invert them. Then, use the multivariate Gaussian method in the training data to classify each pixel of the new image by the maximum probability density (weighted by the prior probability).


Gaussian Mixture Models for Pixel Clustering

Huckleberry Finn I have a small aerial image where human experts have marked the different terrain visible in the image. For example, an image can contain vegetation, rivers, rocky mountains, farmland, etc. Each image can have one or more of these marked areas

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

Understanding Gaussian Mixture Models

Hansner I'm trying to understand the results of the scikit-learn Gaussian Mixture Model implementation. See the example below: #!/opt/local/bin/python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture # Define simp

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Understand the concept of Gaussian mixture models

StuckInPhD I am trying to understand GMM by reading online resources. I have implemented clustering using K-Means and am looking at GMM vs K-means comparison. This is what I understand, please let me know if my concept is wrong: GMM is like KNN in the sense th

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www3 I actually want to estimate the normalized flow with a Gaussian mixture as the base distribution, so I'm a bit torch bound. However, you can reproduce my error in code just by estimating the mixture of Gaussian models in torch. My code is as follows: impo

Understand the concept of Gaussian mixture models

StuckInPhD I am trying to understand GMM by reading online resources. I have implemented clustering using K-Means and am looking at GMM vs K-means comparison. This is what I understand, please let me know if my concept is wrong: GMM is like KNN in the sense th

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www3 I actually want to estimate the normalized flow with a Gaussian mixture as the base distribution, so I'm a bit torch bound. However, you can reproduce my error in code just by estimating the mixture of Gaussian models in torch. My code is as follows: impo

Estimating mixture of Gaussian models in Pytorch

www3 I actually want to estimate the normalized flow with a Gaussian mixture as the base distribution, so I'm a bit torch bound. However, you can reproduce my error in code just by estimating the mixture of Gaussian models in torch. My code is as follows: impo

Estimating mixture of Gaussian models in Pytorch

www3 I actually want to estimate the normalized flow with a Gaussian mixture as the base distribution, so I'm a bit torch bound. However, you can reproduce my error in code just by estimating the mixture of Gaussian models in torch. My code is as follows: impo

Estimating mixture of Gaussian models in Pytorch

www3 I actually want to estimate the normalized flow with a Gaussian mixture as the base distribution, so I'm a bit torch bound. However, you can reproduce my error in code just by estimating the mixture of Gaussian models in torch. My code is as follows: impo

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