Git log doesn't show anything on console


I am using Kubuntu 16.4. lts. Recently, I updated the package with the following command:

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade

Since then, the command git logno longer provides any output.

git log > /tmp/gitlog.txtHowever, when used , the file contains the desired output.

How can I get it back to git logwork?


Make sure you are in your local git repo and make sure to commit at least once.

Your folder should be included .git/in it.

git logNothing is displayed on the console, but git log > /tmp/gitlog.txtthe commit is written to the file in the pipeline.

It might be a pager issue that blocks output on the console, but doesn't apply when redirecting to a file.
Use check git --no-pager log.

The OP lazyboy confirmed the issue about the pager in the comments :

The idea of ​​using a paginator can help me to check the system.
Some startup scripts changed the pager in my system and affected git.


Git log doesn't show anything on console

lazy I am using Kubuntu 16.4. lts. Recently, I updated the package with the following command: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade Since then, the command git logno longer provides any output. git log > /tmp/gitlog.txtHowever, when used , the file c

Git log doesn't show anything on console

lazy I am using Kubuntu 16.4. lts. Recently, I updated the package with the following command: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade Since then, the command git logno longer provides any output. git log > /tmp/gitlog.txtHowever, when used , the file c

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Why doesn't git branch show anything?

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