Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python


I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error:SignatureDoesNotMatch

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.</Message><StringToSign>PUT


According to the documentation on creating signed URLs using the program and GCP sample Python code , I'm doing the following:

  1. build my signature string
  2. sign
  3. base64 encoding
  4. url encodes the result (though the python example doesn't do this...

Since this program is running on a Google App Engine (GAE) application, I don't need to get a JSON key file for my service account user, but use App Identity Services to sign it. Here is the code in the Flask project:

google_access_id = app_identity.get_service_account_name()
expires = arrow.utcnow().replace(minutes=+10).replace(microseconds=0).timestamp
resource = '/mybucket/mycat.jpg'

args = self.get_parser.parse_args()
signature_string = 'PUT\n'
# take MD5 of file being uploaded and its content type, if provided
content_md5 = args.get('md5') or ''
content_type = args.get('contenttype') or ''
signature_string = ('PUT\n'
log.debug('signature string:\n{}'.format(signature_string))
_, signature_bytes = app_identity.sign_blob(signature_string)
signature = base64.b64encode(signature_bytes)
# URL encode signature
signature = urllib.quote(signature)
media_url = '{}'.format(resource)
return dict(GoogleAccessId=google_access_id,
            media_url='{}?GoogleAccessId={}&Expires={}&Signature={}'.format(media_url, google_access_id, expires, signature))

This log.debugstatement prints a signature file that exactly matches the signature in the GCS XML error response above. If it matches, why can't I upload?

Using gsutil, I can create a signed URL using the same GAE service account and it works fine in Postman. I see that gsutilthe URL encodes the signature, but neither seems to matter when creating my own signed URL: GCS gets my PUT request and complains that the signature doesn't match, even though the signature it shows matches mine . Logged debug messages. I've also tried the case with the trailing \n in the original signature string, or without the trailing \n.

edit:POSTI followed the Base64 example to encode the policy before the policy and encode it again after it's signed . I tried this approach when creating the PUT signature and it made no difference


The answer is very close to other answers found on SO and elsewhere, and points Content-Typeto the need to use headers. This is true to an extent, but is overshadowed by my main problem: I'm relying on the default GAE service account, which has "editor" permissions, which I think can read and write GCS. I created a key file from that account, used it gsutil, and gave the following prompt:

[email protected] does not have permissions on gs://mybucket/cat.jpg, using this link will likely result in a 403 error until at least READ permissions are granted

Correct, you get an error from GCS when trying to put a file here , but it's not a 404 error, but the one shown in the question .SignatureDoesNotMatch

The solution is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Give the default GAE service account more permissions from the "Storage" permission set:
    1. storage object creator
    2. Storage Object Viewer
  2. Content-TypeBe sure to use the Header when putting the file into GCS because it defaults to the requirement in the Header even if I don't specify it in the Signature string to be signed text/plain.

Final observation : Even after I've added the correct permissions to the account, I'm still getting warnings from gsutil before creating a new JSON key file from the IAM console. Also, signed URLs created with gsutil and old key files are not working ( error) SignatureDoesNotMatcheven with permissions set on the IAM console . The Python code running on GAE works fine without any updates - it just needs to set permissions in IAM before matching the Content-Header.


Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python

hamx0r I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error

Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python

hamx0r I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error

Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python

hamx0r I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error

Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python

hamx0r I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error

Signed URL for GCS PUT request on GAE with Python

hamx0r I'm trying to create a signed URL for uploading files directly to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). I got it working using POST using this Github example , which makes use of policies. Following best practices, I'm refactoring to use PUT and getting the error

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