Wildcard SSL certificates do not work with naked domains

Kheldar Ambar

I have deployed a wildcard certificate (Comodo PlatinumSSL) *.example.comon Apache/Ubuntu 14.04 . Everything works fine if the client accesses, https://www.example.combut https://example.comin Firefox it throws this error:

example.com uses an invalid security certificate. 
The certificate is only valid for *.example.com 
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

Extract from vhost file:

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost *:443>
        SSLEngine on
        ServerName example.com
        ServerAlias www.example.com *.example.com
        DocumentRoot /var/www/html
        SSLCertificateFile      /etc/ssl/localcerts/example_com.cer
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/localcerts/example_com.key
        SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/localcerts/example_com_interm.cer

How can I get both https://www.example.comand https://example.comwork without warning?

Steffen Ullrich

Wildcards match a single leftmost label. That's a *.example.commatch, www.example.combut not an example.comor sub.foo.example.com. This means that you either need to get a certificate that includes *.example.comand is example.comthe subject alternative name , or if you just need wwwthe naked domain name, you can get a cheap certificate that only includes www.example.comand example.com.


Wildcard SSL certificates do not work with naked domains

Kheldar Ambar I have deployed a wildcard certificate (Comodo PlatinumSSL) *.example.comon Apache/Ubuntu 14.04 . Everything works fine if the client accesses, https://www.example.combut https://example.comin Firefox it throws this error: example.com uses an inv

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Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain

Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain

Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain

Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain

Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain

Only redirect to naked domains

Lerio Feeta On my Apache 2.4 webserver I have a virtual host configured to redirect all requests on http to https and it works fine. I would like to improve it by adding the following rules: If user requests http://www.domain.example redirect to https://domain