When loading from another page, I want to clear the page's cookies, but when reloading from the same page, I don't want to

Ishwar Kurwade

I'm building a new website, for this I create a page that has an array stored in cookies and I clear the array by using

$ .removeCookie(“ checkboxValues”);

I am running this function after the file is ready. I want to clear the cookies when I go to that page from another page using a link, yes that's what's going on. But my problem is that if I load the same page (using f5 or ctrl+r) the cookie is cleared and I don't want to lose that cookie. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

Hardy Mathew

You can try one of the following methods:

The easiest way I can think of is to add a timestamp to the redirected query string and read it in JavaScript. Set a cookie with this timestamp and detect if it already exists, to tell if the page is being reloaded (previously loaded with a query string).


The cookie is stored the first time the page is accessed. On refresh, check if your cookie exists, and if so, raise an alert.

function checkReload() {
  if(document.cookie.indexOf('YOURCOOKIE')==-1) {
    // cookie doesn't exist, create it now
  else {
    // not first visit, so alert
    alert('You refreshed!');

and in your body tag:

<body onload="checkReload()">

one more:

The first step is to check if there are some predefined values ​​for sessionStorage, and if there is an alert user:

if (sessionStorage.getItem("is_reloaded")) alert('Reloaded!');

The second step is to set sessionStorage to some value (eg true):

sessionStorage.setItem("is_reloaded", true);

The session value persists until the page is closed, so the session value is only valid when the page is reloaded in a new tab of the site.


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