How to create Google Cloud Storage signed URL with Elixir or Erlang?

Todd Harding

I'm currently trying to get my Elixir web server to generate signed urls for Google Cloud Storage so that expired file urls can be generated. Unfortunately, when I try to use the generated url, I get the following error:

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.

I can generate signed urls via the gsutil tool, albeit slow, but also via the python example given here:

Google Cloud Storage Signed URL Example

My current implementation in Elixir is based on the above Python example and looks like this:

@default_expiration 1000
  def construct_string(http_verb, content_md5, content_type, expiration_timestamp, canonicalized_extension_headers, canonicalized_resource) do

  def load_secret_pem do

  def load_local_key_file(path) do
    {ok, pem_bin} =
    [rsa_entry] = :public_key.pem_decode(pem_bin)
    key = :public_key.pem_entry_decode(rsa_entry)

  def base64Sign(plaintext) do
    key = load_secret_pem()
    signature_bytes = :public_key.sign(plaintext, :sha256, key )
    |> String.replace("-", "%2B")
    |> String.replace("_", "%2F")
    |> URI.encode_www_form

  def make_url(verb, path, content_md5 \\ "", content_type \\ "") do
    client_id = GCloud.Credentials.client_email() |> URI.encode_www_form
    expiration =  :os.system_time(:seconds) + @default_expiration
    base_url = GCloud.Storage.base_uri() <> path
    signature_string = construct_string(verb, content_md5, content_type, expiration, "", path )
    url_encoded_signature = base64Sign(signature_string)
    IO.puts "#{base_url}?GoogleAccessId=#{client_id}&Expires=#{expiration}&Signature=#{url_encoded_signature}"

How to properly sign a signed URL with Elixir or Erlang?

end it

Your string construction construct_stringmight be doing something you didn't realize. Remember that Python syntax is different and has other opinions about spaces.

defmodule Test do
  def foo(a,b) do
# output:
"1\n\n    2"

If you use heredoc instead """, the leading spaces disappear, but the newlines are still repeated. However, this approach might not be a good idea, since if you save the file from a Windows computer, \r\nthe line might end up in the editor, and getting rid of those lines is still an unnecessary hassle.

Instead, I think you should change your approach here to look like this:

def construct_string(http_verb, content_md5, content_type, expiration_timestamp, canonicalized_extension_headers, canonicalized_resource) do
  headers = Enum.join([http_verb, content_md5, content_type, expiration_timestamp], "\n")

I'm not sure if there are other bugs, but this immediately stood out to me.


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