How do I get my torrents to work?


I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed

Here is my seed:

require 'faker'

puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..."
10.times do
  user = User.create!(
    username: Faker::DcComics.hero,
    password: "123456",
    email: "#{user.username}",
    bio: "Hi, I'm #{user.username}. Faker::Movie.quote",
    avatar: Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size: "900x900", search_terms: ['dccomics'])
  puts "#{user.username} created!"

puts "Creating 10 fake hero services..."
10.times do
  service = Service.create!(
    name: "#{Faker::Verb.ing_form} service",
    description: "I'll use my #{Faker::Superhero.power} to accomplish the mission",
    address: "#{Faker::Address.street_address}, #{}",
    photos: Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size: "900x900", search_terms: ["#{Faker::Verb.ing_form}"]),
    user_id: rand(
  puts "#{} created!"

puts "Finished!"

I think I'll run into a few problems in particular:

  • My interpolation method: I'm not sure if I can use it in Faker
  • I want to use the same username in the given usernameand email, what am I doing?
  • My User model doesn't have an incarnation in the database table, however has_one_attached :avatar, can I give it a seed?
  • Related question about my service model ( has_many_attached :photos) . How can I generate multiple images for it?
  • I want to randomly select a service model for me from user_idthe services created above , I really don't know how to proceed...

My interpolation method: I'm not sure if I can use it in Faker

Interpolation works with any expression. even multiple statements. "#{ a = 1 + 1; b = 2 + 2; a + b}"will produce "6". But don't do that, it's confusing.

name: "#{Faker::Verb.ing_form} service",

equivalent to

name: Faker::Verb.ing_form.to_s + " service"

In some places, you are missing interpolation.

bio = "Hi, I'm #{user.username}. Faker::Movie.quote"

That should be...

bio = "Hi, I'm #{user.username}. #{Faker::Movie.quote}"

Elsewhere, interpolation is not required.

search_terms: ["#{Faker::Verb.ing_form}"]

Faker::Verb.ing_formA string is already returned, no interpolation is required.

search_terms: [Faker::Verb.ing_form]

I want to use the same username as provided in the email, am I doing it right?

No, you must usercreate it before you can reference it . If you try, you will get something similar undefined method `username' for nil:NilClass. userYes nil, there is nilalso no method called username.

Instead, you can create a user, set their email, and save.

user =
  username: Faker::DcComics.hero,
  password: "123456",
  avatar: Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size: "900x900", search_terms: ['dccomics'])
) = "#{user.username}" = "Hi, I'm #{user.username}. #{Faker::Movie.quote}"!

Alternatively, you can create the username first and store it in a variable for reference.

  username = Faker::DcComics.hero
  user = User.create!(
    username: username,
    password: "123456",
    email: "#{username}",
    bio: "Hi, I'm #{username}. #{Faker::Movie.quote}",
    avatar: Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size: "900x900", search_terms: ['dccomics'])

My user model has no avatar in the database table, but has_one_attached: avatar, can I seed it?

I'm not very familiar with attachments in Rails , but I think it should work as you wrote.

I want to feed my service model from one of the random user_id created above, I don't really know how to proceed...

Simple thing is to use .sample

user = User.all.sample

We can make it a little better by pluckjust getting the ID .

user = User.pluck(:id).sample

However, this will load all users. For small test databases this is not a problem. For production code, this is a huge waste. Instead, we can use order by random() limit 1. In Rails 6, it's a bit clunky.


See this answer for an explanation.

Note that if you already have users loaded, pass the user instead of its id. This avoids the service having to load the user again.

10.times do
  user = User.order(Arel.sql('RANDOM()')).pluck(:id).first
  service = Service.create!(
    user: user

But there is a better way...

Related question about my service model (has_many_attached:photos). How can I generate multiple images for it?

Here we make a real leap. Instead of generating static test data, use a Factory. FactoryBot makes it easy to define "factories" using Faker to generate test data. You are halfway there. With FactoryBotRails , FactoryBot learns how to use Rails models.

The user factory looks like this.

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    username { Faker::DcComics.hero }
    password { "123456" }
    email { "#{username}" }
    bio { "Hi, I'm #{username}. #{Faker::Movie.quote}" }
    avatar { Faker::LoremFlickr.image(size: "900x900", search_terms: ['dccomics']) }

Note that we can do it on a emailbasis username. Properties can reference other properties. This is because properties are actually little functions like this:

class UserFactory do
  def username
    @username ||= Faker::DDcComics.hero

  def email
    @email ||= "#{username}"

and make 10 of them...

users = FactoryBot.create_list(:user, 10)

You can override the default value. If you want users to use a certain email address...

user = FactoryBot.create(:user, email: "[email protected]")

Since you can keep users on the go, you no longer need to seed specific data.

Serving now. Let's take a look at the service factory. To provide the service, we need photos.

  factory :service do
    name { "#{Faker::Verb.ing_form} service" }
    description { "I'll use my #{Faker::Superhero.power} to accomplish the mission" }
    address { "#{Faker::Address.street_address}, #{}" }
    # photos is presumably has-many_attached and so takes an Array.
    photos {
         size: "900x900",
         search_terms: [Faker::Verb.ing_form]

Take a look user. FactoryBot will automatically populate with users manufactured using your user factory. Fixed an issue with serving with random users.

Our final step is to dry our plant by defining a photo .

factory :photo, class: Faker::LoremFlickr do
  size { "900x900" }
  search_terms { Faker::Lorem.words }

  initialize_with do

This is not a Rails model, so we need to teach FactoryBot how to make a photo by giving it its class and how to initialize it . attributesis a hash containing size and search_terms.

Also note that I used more general search terms. Factories that require specific search terms will provide their own factories.

We can make any number of photos.

photos = FactoryBot.build_list(:photos, 3)

Using photo factories, we can dry users and service factories. this is all.

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :photo, class: Faker::LoremFlickr do
    size { "900x900" }
    search_terms { Faker::Lorem.words }

    initialize_with do

  factory :user do
    username { Faker::DcComics.hero }
    password { "123456" }
    email { "#{username}" }
    bio { "Hi, I'm #{username}. #{Faker::Movie.quote}" }
    avatar { build(:photo, search_terms: ['dccomics']) }

  factory :service do
    name { "#{Faker::Verb.ing_form} service" }
    description { "I'll use my #{Faker::Superhero.power} to accomplish the mission" }
    address { "#{Faker::Address.street_address}, #{}" }
    photos {
      build_list(:photo, 3, search_terms: [Faker::Verb.ing_form])

Now, when you need a service to test, you can ask for one.

service = FactoryBot.create(:service)

Need a service by another name?

service = FactoryBot.create(:service, name: "Universal Exports")

What if there are no photos?

service = FactoryBot.create(:service, photos: [])

That's just fumbling around with what FactoryBot can do.

Factories are more flexible and convenient than torrent files.


How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

How do I get my torrents to work?

Aelo-74 I'm still new to Ruby/Rails and need your help to make sure the seed is good before running the command.rails db:seed Here is my seed: require 'faker' puts "Creating 10 fake user heros..." 10.times do user = User.create!( username: Faker::DcComi

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