SignalR IOS client, web socket transport cannot call the method from server

Cihan Akka

I am using SignalR-ObjC Client to provide communication between IOS application and .Net server.

I can connect using longpulling and call methods from a self-hosted cross-origin server without any errors. But due to my application needs, I have to use WebSocket. I have a Singleton Manager like:

@implementation SignalRManager
static int reconnectingTry;
+ (id)sharedManager {
    static SignalRManager *sharedHttpManager = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        sharedHttpManager = [[self alloc] init];
        sharedHttpManager.hubConnection = [SRHubConnection connectionWithURL:@"http://xxx:8080/signalr"];
        sharedHttpManager.proxy = [sharedHttpManager.hubConnection createHubProxy:@"myhub"];

    return sharedHttpManager;
+(SRHubProxy *)proxy
    return [[SignalRManager sharedManager] proxy];

+(SRHubConnection *)connection
    return [[SignalRManager sharedManager] hubConnection];

    SRWebSocketTransport *transport = [[SRWebSocketTransport alloc] init];

    [[SignalRManager connection] start:transport];

    [[SignalRManager connection] stop];

and im calling like:

 [[SignalRManager proxy] invoke:@"Hello" withArgs:[NSArray array]];

I make the connection and the server can call the client method, but when I try to call the method from the client to the server, I get a "Request failed: Bad Request (400)" error.


Seems to be related to the protocol (SRClientTransportInterface) implementation in SRWebSocketTransport.

in reality:

- (void)send:(id <SRConnectionInterface>)connection data:(NSString *)data completionHandler:(void (^)(id response, NSError *error))block;

and must

- (void)send:(id <SRConnectionInterface>)connection data:(NSString *)data connectionData:(NSString *)connectionData completionHandler:(void (^)(id response, NSError *error))block; 

Like the subclass, the implementation doesn't call the superclass (SRHttpBasedTransport) method, so you get "Request failed: Bad Request (400)" (it's another http request, not websocket).

To fix this, just open the file SRWebSocketTransport.m in the Pods project and change the implementation as follows:

- (void)send:(id<SRConnectionInterface>)connection data:(NSString *)data connectionData:(NSString *)connectionData completionHandler:(void (^)(id response, NSError *error))block {
    [_webSocket send:data];

    if(block) {

Hope this helps you.

pd: only check github seems to be fixed in feature-2.0.0.beta1 branch


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Ben Black I'm using AngularJS to create a SignalR service that connects to a hub I specify and exposes .onand .invokemethods so that my controllers can listen to events from the server and call methods on the server. Here is the relevant part of my service:

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Ben Black I'm using AngularJS to create a SignalR service that connects to a hub I specify and exposes .onand .invokemethods so that my controllers can listen to events from the server and call methods on the server. Here is the relevant part of my service:

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Ben Black I'm using AngularJS to create a SignalR service that connects to a hub I specify and exposes .onand .invokemethods so my controllers can listen to events from the server and call methods on the server. Here is the relevant part of my service:

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