git log -p path/to/file doesn't show all changes


I want it to show all changes (commits) to the specified file, but it doesn't do that. It only shows some of them. I guess it has something to do with merging, but I don't see what could be wrong here. Can someone explain?

UPD I was able to reproduce my specific issue in the test repository:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
rm -rf 1
mkdir 1 && cd 1
git init

mkdir 1
echo m1 > 1/m1 && git add 1/m1 && git commit -m m1

git co -b b1
echo m11 > 1/m1 && git add 1/m1 && git commit -m b11
echo m1 > 1/m1 && git add 1/m1 && git commit -m b12

git checkout master
echo m2 > m2 && git add m2 && git commit -m m2
git merge b1 -m 'merge b1'
git --no-pager log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
git --no-pager log --oneline 1

commit b11, b12and is not listed in the last command.


So I basically answered my question more or less, trying to reproduce the problem in the test repo. In my case it happened when a feature branch changed a file and then restored it to its original state. That is, when the entire merge made no changes to the file. However, don't know why this is happening. But it must have something to do with simplifying history .


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