Tokio Tls Self-Signed Certificate


Update: This seems to be related to properly generating and trusting the self-signed certificate.

I am building a server and client using tokio-rs. I have everything working fine but now trying to add SSL/TLS to the system. As far as I can tell, I have generated a self-signed certificate and installed it correctly, but every time I try to get the client to connect to the server, I get the following error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Failure(Ssl(ErrorStack([Error { code: 336134278, library: "SSL routines", function: "ssl3_get_server_certificate", reason: "certificate verify failed", file: "s3_clnt.c", line: 1264 }])))', /buildslave/rust-buildbot/slave/stable-dist-rustc-linux/build/src/libcore/

I am using the following script to generate crt, key and pfx files:

openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -config ssl.conf -extensions ext -subj /C=CA/ST=EH/L=Canadia/O=Dis/CN=localhost -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt -days 365
openssl pkcs12 -export -nodes -inkey localhost.key -in localhost.crt -out localhost.pfx
mv localhost.pfx ../

this conf file

[ dn ]
[ ext ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = localhost

Move the pfx file up one level and copy it into the debug folder of the build.

I'm running Ubuntu and have copied localhost.crt to /etc/ssl/certs and localhost.key to /etc/ssl/private

My server code is using tokio-proto and tokio-tls tokio-proto server protocol wrapper


use tokio_proto::pipeline::ServerProto;
use tokio_io::codec::{Framed};
use tokio_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio_tls::{TlsAcceptorExt};
use rem::codec::CacheCodec;
use std::io;

pub struct CacheProto {}

impl<T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + 'static> ServerProto<T> for CacheProto {
    /// For this protocol style, `Request` matches the codec `In` type
    type Request = String;

    /// For this protocol style, `Response` matches the coded `Out` type
    type Response = String;

    /// A bit of boilerplate to hook in the codec:
    type Transport = Framed<T, CacheCodec>;
    type BindTransport = Result<Self::Transport, io::Error>;
    fn bind_transport(&self, io: T) -> Self::BindTransport {


use std::string::String;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

use rem::cache::Cache;
use rem::service::CacheService;
use rem::proto::CacheProto;

use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;

use tokio_tls::{TlsAcceptorExt};
use native_tls::{Pkcs12, TlsAcceptor};

use tokio_tls::proto::Server;
use tokio_proto::TcpServer;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read};

pub fn launch(ip: String, port: String) {
   // Specify the localhost address
    let addr = format!("{}:{}", ip, port).parse().unwrap();

    let pkcs12 = get_pkcs12();
    let acceptor = TlsAcceptor::builder(pkcs12).unwrap().build().unwrap();

    let proto = Server::new(CacheProto{}, acceptor);

    // The builder requires a protocol and an address
    let server = TcpServer::new(proto, addr);

    let pool = Box::new(CpuPool::new_num_cpus());

    // We provide a way to *instantiate* the service for each new
    // connection; here, we just immediately return a new instance.
    let cache = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Cache::new()));
    let cache_service = CacheService {
        cache: cache.clone(),
        pool : pool

    server.serve( move || Ok(cache_service.clone()));

fn get_pkcs12() -> Pkcs12{
    let mut file = File::open("localhost.pfx").unwrap();
    let mut pkcs12 = vec![];
    file.read_to_end(&mut pkcs12).unwrap();
    let pkcs12 = Pkcs12::from_der(&pkcs12, "password").unwrap();
    return pkcs12;

Client: (not using tokio-proto, just using native tls and TCP)

use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io;
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::net::{TcpStream};
use std::mem;

use native_tls::{TlsConnector, TlsStream};

use rem::op;
use rem::error::*;

pub fn launch(ip: String, port: String) {
    info!("Connection to {}:{}", ip, port);

    match TcpStream::connect(format!("{}:{}", ip, port).as_str()) {
        Ok(mut tcp_stream) => {
            let connector = TlsConnector::builder().unwrap().build().unwrap();
            let mut stream = connector.connect(ip.as_str(), tcp_stream).unwrap();
            loop {
                // Contine looping, executing any commands from the user
                let handle = io::stdin();
                for line_res in handle.lock().lines() {
                    let line: String = line_res.unwrap();
                    let args:Vec<String> = parse_input(line);
                    if args.len() > 0{
                        let arg_ref = args[0].as_ref();
                        match arg_ref {
                            "write" => {
                                if args.len() == 3 {
                                    match client_exec_write(&args[1], &args[2], &mut stream){
                                        Ok(_) => (),
                                        Err(why) => why.log()
                                    error!("Write expects two arguments - key and value");
                            "read" => {
                                if args.len() == 2 {
                                    match client_exec_read(&args[1], &mut stream){
                                        Ok(_) => (),
                                        Err(why) => why.log()
                                    error!("Read expects one argument - key");
                            "delete" => {
                                if args.len() == 2 {
                                    match client_exec_delete(&args[1], &mut stream){
                                        Ok(_) => (),
                                        Err(why) => why.log()
                                    error!("Delete expects one argument - key");
                            _ => error!("Not a valid command")
        Err(e) => {
            panic!("Failed to connect to server. Error '{}'", e);

/// Executres a write operation by parsing the client command and converting it to REM format
/// ex: write abc:def would be converted to 9|W$abc:def and sent to the REM server
fn client_exec_write(key:&String, val:&String, mut stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>)-> Result<(), RemError> {
    let sized_val = String::from(format!("W${}:{}", key, val));
    let res = op::write_str_to_stream_with_size(&mut stream, sized_val);
    try!(print_response(&mut stream));
    return res;

/// Executres a read operation by parsing the client command and converting it to REM format
/// ex: read abc:def would be converted to 5|R$abc and sent to the REM launch_server
/// The respone from the REM server is writen to stdout
/// If stdout::flush fail a warning will be logged
fn client_exec_read(key: &String, mut stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>)-> Result<(), RemError>{
    let cmd_val = String::from(format!("R${}", key));
    try!(op::write_str_to_stream_with_size(&mut stream, cmd_val));
    try!(print_response(&mut stream));
    return Ok(());

/// Executes a delete operation by parsing the client command and converting it to REM format
/// ex: delete abc would be converted to 5|D$abc and sent to the REM server
fn client_exec_delete(key: &String, mut stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>) -> Result<(), RemError>{
    let cmd_val = String::from(format!("D${}", key));
    let res = op::write_str_to_stream_with_size(&mut stream, cmd_val);
    try!(print_response(&mut stream));
    return res;

fn print_response(mut stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>) -> Result<(), RemError>{
    let val: String = try!(op::string_from_stream(&mut stream));
    println!("{}", val);
    return Ok(());

struct InputParser{

impl InputParser{

    /// Consumes a space charater taking quotes into consideration
    /// If the parser has consumed an opening quote then the space will be consumed as a character
    pub fn consume_space(&mut self){
        // If neither a single quote or a double quote has been consumed then its a new argument
        if !self.consumed_double_quote && !self.consumed_single_quote {
            self.current.push(' ');

    /// Consumes a double quote, keeping track of whether it is an opening or cloing quote
    /// Takes single quotes into account when determening if the double quote is a delimiter or character
    pub fn consume_double_quote(&mut self){
        // If a single quote hasn't been consumed we're at the end or 
        // beginning of an argument in double quotes
        if  !self.consumed_single_quote {
            if self.consumed_double_quote{
            // Flip the value so we know the sate for the next double quote that is consumed
            self.consumed_double_quote = !self.consumed_double_quote;
            // If we're in double quotes just treat the double quote as a regular character 

    /// Consumes a single quote, keeping track of whether it is an opening or cloing quote
    /// Takes double quotes into account when determening if the single quote is a delimiter or character
    pub fn consume_single_quote(&mut self){
         // If a double quote hasn't been consumed we're at the end or 
        // beginning of an argument in single quotes
         if !self.consumed_double_quote {
            if self.consumed_single_quote{
            // Flip the value so we know the sate for the next single quote that is consumed
            self.consumed_single_quote = !self.consumed_single_quote;
            // If we're in double quotes just treat the single quote as a regular character 

    /// Adds the character onto the current argument
    pub fn consume_char(&mut self, c:char){

    /// To be called when everything has been parsed
    pub fn end(&mut self){

    /// Pushes the current string into the list of args
    /// If the length of current is 0 no actions are performed
    pub fn push_current(&mut self){
        if self.current.len() > 0 {
            let arg = mem::replace(&mut self.current, String::new());


/// Parses the arguments out of an input string taking quotes and spaces into consideration
pub fn parse_input(input: String) -> Vec<String>{
    let mut parser = InputParser{
    for c in input.chars(){
        match c {
            '"'  => parser.consume_double_quote(),
            ' '  => parser.consume_space(),
            '\'' => parser.consume_single_quote(), 
            _    => parser.consume_char(c)

    return parser.args;


use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;
use std::net::{TcpStream};
use std::sync::{Mutex};

use native_tls::{TlsConnector, TlsStream};

use rem::cache::Cache;
use rem::error::*;

pub fn read_value_from_cache(key: String,
                         cache_mtx: &Mutex<Cache>)
                         -> Result<(Vec<u8>), RemError> {
    let cache = cache_mtx.lock().unwrap();
    let cache_opt: Option<Box<Vec<u8>>> = try!(cache.read_item(key));
    match cache_opt {
        Some(boxed_val) => {
            let val: Vec<u8> = *boxed_val;
            return Ok(val.clone());
        None => {
            return Err(RemError::with_reason(String::from(REM_00005)));

/// Parses a TCP input stream and extracts the data
/// Allocates a 64 byte buffer which is used to read the input info from the stream
/// The expected format is ```{size}|{content}```
/// Ex. ```5|W$a:b```
pub fn string_from_stream(stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>) -> Result<String, RemError> {
    //Read in the first 54 bytes of the stram
    let mut buf_arr: [u8; 64] = [0; 64];
    try!( buf_arr));
    // Parse the message size
    let mut size_str = String::new();
    let mut buf_size: usize = 0;
    for i in 0..64 {
        buf_size += 1;
        if buf_arr[i] == '|' as u8 {
        size_str.push(buf_arr[i as usize] as char);

    // Convert the size string to a usize so it can be used to drain the buffer
    let upper_idx: usize = try!(size_str.parse::<i32>()) as usize;
    let mut buf_temp: Vec<u8> = buf_arr.to_vec();
    // Create a new buffer using the parsed indicies
    let buf: Vec<u8> = buf_temp.drain(buf_size..upper_idx + buf_size).collect();


    // Return the value as a string
    let buf_str: String = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
    return Ok(buf_str);

pub fn write_stream_str_to_cache(stream_str: String,
                             cache_mtx: &Mutex<Cache>)
                             -> Result<(), RemError> {
    let mut key: String = String::new();
    let mut val: String = String::new();
    let mut idx = 0;
    let chars_iter = stream_str.chars();
    for c in chars_iter {
        idx += 1;
        if c == ':' {
            val = String::from(&stream_str[idx..]);
    let bytes = val.into_bytes();
    let mut cache = cache_mtx.lock().unwrap();
    return cache.cache_item(key.as_str(), bytes);

pub fn delete_value_from_cache(key: String, cache_mtx: &Mutex<Cache>) -> Result<(), RemError> {
    let mut cache = cache_mtx.lock().unwrap();
    return cache.delete_item(key);

pub fn write_str_to_stream_with_size(stream: &mut TlsStream<TcpStream>, value: String) -> Result<(), RemError> {
    let sized_val = String::from(format!("{}|{}", value.len(), value));
    return Ok(());

There are more files for the project but I don't think they are relevant, but I can add them if it's not clear

Paul A. Junges

This is more of an OpenSSL problem than a Rust problem. Assuming the client is also running Ubuntu, copy the *.crtfiles onto it /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/, and run sudo /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates. This will tell clients to trust your certificate and OpenSSL will no longer report errors about that certificate.

(Edit:) You still have the problem that the Common Name (CN) of the certificate doesn't match the name the client uses to access the server. You ssl.confgive it a CN localhost, but the client asks for it by IP. Obviously it won't work if the client asks for https://localhost/ . So you should regenerate the certificate with a different DNS name, get clients to trust the new certificate, and then make requests using that name. If necessary, you can use like and put it in the client's .rustsslserver/etc/hosts

I have a git repo showing a working example here . Note that it uses hyper, not tokio, but the result should be the same.


Tokio Tls Self-Signed Certificate

lad Update: This seems to be related to properly generating and trusting the self-signed certificate. I am building a server and client using tokio-rs. I have everything working fine but now trying to add SSL/TLS to the system. As far as I can tell, I have gen

Tokio Tls Self-Signed Certificate

lad Update: This seems to be related to properly generating and trusting the self-signed certificate. I am building a server and client using tokio-rs. I have everything working fine but now trying to add SSL/TLS to the system. As far as I can tell, I have gen

Tokio Tls Self-Signed Certificate

lad Update: This seems to be related to properly generating and trusting the self-signed certificate. I am building a server and client using tokio-rs. I have everything working fine but now trying to add SSL/TLS to the system. As far as I can tell, I have gen

Tokio Tls Self-Signed Certificate

lad Update: This seems to be related to properly generating and trusting the self-signed certificate. I am building a server and client using tokio-rs. I have everything working fine but now trying to add SSL/TLS to the system. As far as I can tell, I have gen

TLS with self-signed certificate

breakdown I am trying to establish a TLS connection using a self signed server certificate. I generated the certificate using the following sample code : My relevant client code looks like this: // server c

TLS with self-signed certificate

Zapp I am trying to establish a TLS connection using a self signed server certificate. I generated the certificate using the following sample code : My relevant client code looks like this: // server cert i

TLS with self-signed certificate

breakdown I am trying to establish a TLS connection using a self signed server certificate. I generated the certificate using the following sample code : My relevant client code looks like this: // server c

TLS with self-signed certificate

breakdown I am trying to establish a TLS connection using a self signed server certificate. I generated the certificate using the following sample code : My relevant client code looks like this: // server c

TLS with self-signed certificate

breakdown I am trying to establish a TLS connection using a self signed server certificate. I generated the certificate using the following sample code : My relevant client code looks like this: // server c

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Self-signed server certificate for Postfix TLS

Tufel I'm trying to create a self-signed server certificate for Postfix users: thufir@dur:~$ thufir@dur:~$ sudo ./tls.script Error opening Private Key 3073578684:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:398:fopen('','r') 3073

TLS connection via self-signed certificate fails

Integrator: The following reduced test case code works when run locally on my laptop using my own "developer" certificate to access internal services If I run on a remote machine with dynamically generated certificates (all handled by separate teams in the org

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MH carbon I am trying to figure out how to implement tls.Config.GetCertificatethe functionality with a self signed certificate. I base this bin source, Also read this,

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MH carbon I am trying to figure out how to implement tls.Config.GetCertificatethe functionality with a self signed certificate. I base this bin source, Also read this,

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MH carbon I am trying to figure out how to implement tls.Config.GetCertificatethe functionality with a self signed certificate. I base this bin source, Also read this,

TLS connection via self-signed certificate fails

Integrator: The following reduced test case code works when run locally on my laptop using my own "developer" certificate to access internal services If I run on a remote machine with dynamically generated certificates (all handled by separate teams in the org

Implement tls.Config.GetCertificate with self-signed certificate

MH carbon I am trying to figure out how to implement tls.Config.GetCertificatethe functionality with a self signed certificate. I base this bin source, Also read this,

TLS connection via self-signed certificate fails

Integrator: The following reduced test case code works when run locally on my laptop using my own "developer" certificate to access internal services If I run on a remote machine with dynamically generated certificates (all handled by separate teams in the org

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phantom When installing the cluster, I used a self-signed certificate from an internal CA authority. Everything was fine until I started getting certificate errors from the application I was deploying to the OKD cluster. We decided to stop trying to fix one bu

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TLS connection via self-signed certificate fails

Integrator: The following reduced test case code works when run locally on my laptop using my own "developer" certificate to access internal services If I run on a remote machine with dynamically generated certificates (all handled by separate teams in the org

TLS connection via self-signed certificate fails

Integrator: The following reduced test case code works when run locally on my laptop using my own "developer" certificate to access internal services If I run on a remote machine with dynamically generated certificates (all handled by separate teams in the org

Implement tls.Config.GetCertificate with self-signed certificate

MH carbon I am trying to figure out how to implement tls.Config.GetCertificatethe functionality with a self signed certificate. I base this bin source, Also read this,

Converting from self-signed to commercial certificate TLS error

phantom When installing the cluster, I used a self-signed certificate from an internal CA authority. Everything was fine until I started getting certificate errors from the application I was deploying to the OKD cluster. We decided to stop trying to fix one bu

Verify self-signed TLS certificate for HTTPS in Ruby

Ashima Sood How to use SSL certificate verification (using password parameter in URL) in RUBY's GET Request? -> require 'net/https' require 'uri' uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0] || '') http =, uri.port)