Pass an object to a function without wrapping it in std::ref, while the parameter is specified as a const reference

Dan Clemenko

I have the following C++ code (just an example of a simple problem)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

double get_first(const std::vector<double>& vec) {
    return vec[0];

int main()
  std::vector<double> some_vec = {1, 2};
  std::cout << get_first(some_vec);

So here the parameter of the function get_firstis a const reference,

And I'm passing the whole vector some_vecinstead of wrapping it into std::ref. Will c++ copy the complete object here?

Michael Chodakis

std::refNot for that. It is used to convert an existing reference to an object and is used where a reference cannot be accepted, e.g. std::vector<>in . Most likely it internally converts the wrapped reference to a pointer.

In your example, the parameter is automatically passed as a reference.


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