How to pass ref to method/function parameter without unwrapping the wrapper?


We're using the Vue Composition API and want to pass refobjects (not just values) as arguments to functions. Some code to clarify:

import { defineComponent, ref } from '@vue/composition-api'

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const driverId = ref()
    const truckId = ref()

    const clearDriverId = () => {
      driverId.value = null

The code above works fine, but we need to replicate the functionality clearDriverIdtoo truckId. That's why we're creating the following:

    const clearField = (field: Ref) => {
      field.value = null

Access from template:

  label="Driver ID"
  <template v-slot:append>

Of course, this won't work because ref driverIdwhen passed to the function from the template , they are unpacked. What is the correct way to pass a full refobject to a function ?

Tony 19

One solution setup()is to return an object/dictionary containing all of refthem (preventing them from auto-expanding), which can then be used to pass a specific function refto your function. Utilities that toMyRefs()return dictionaries refas well as refdictionaries ( below) will help minimize duplication of code:

    <button @click="clearField(myRefs.driverId)">Clear driverId</button>
    <button @click="clearField(myRefs.truckId)">Clear truckId</button>
    <button @click="clearField(myRefs.carId)">Clear carId</button>
    <button @click="clearField(myRefs.trainId)">Clear trainId</button>

      driverId: {{ driverId }}
      truckId: {{ truckId }}
      carId: {{ carId }}
      trainId: {{ trainId }}

import { defineComponent, ref } from '@vue/composition-api'

const toMyRefs = refs => ({
  myRefs: {

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const driverId = ref(1)
    const truckId = ref(2)
    const carId = ref(3)
    const trainId = ref(4)

    const clearField = (field) => {
      field.value = 0

    return {



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