Python pass ref int as parameter

Mr. Sha

The tlb library in my python project passes win32com.client. I've easily used a number of built-in functions, but one of the main functions takes a list of arguments for two of them marked as ref int. When I try to pass a python integer to the function, I get pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352571, 'Type mismatch.', None, 5)errors, apparently because of some wrong arguments passed to the object.
Here is my python code:

import sldworksPython as solidWorks
import sldconstPython as solidConst
import win32com.client

swApp: solidWorks.ISldWorks = win32com.client.Dispatch(solidWorks.SldWorks.CLSID)
swConst = solidConst.constants

fileName = "Assem Of Hinge.SLDASM"
docType = int(swConst.swDocASSEMBLY)
config = int(swConst.swOpenDocOptions_AutoMissingConfig)
error = int(swConst.swFileNotFoundError)
warning = int(swConst.swFileLoadWarning_AlreadyOpen)



Here is the openDoc6 function:

ModelDoc2 OpenDoc6(string FileName, int Type, int Options, string Configuration, ref int Errors, ref int Warnings);

This error freaks me out, I really don't want to use C# for this project. thank you for your help

Mr. Sha

Thanks to @BoarGules, I just downloaded a software library called pySW. I was wondering how these functions work there, so I just checked them out and figured out how I should pass an integer as a reference to a C# function.

I add my solution below:

import sldconstPython as solidConst
import win32com.client
import pythoncom
import pySW

swApp: solidWorks.ISldWorks = win32com.client.Dispatch(solidWorks.SldWorks.CLSID)
swConst = solidConst.constants

fileName = "Assem Of Hinge.SLDASM"
docType = swConst.swDocASSEMBLY
docOpts = swConst.swOpenDocOptions_AutoMissingConfig
error = win32com.client.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_I4, swConst.swFileNotFoundError)
warning = win32com.client.VARIANT(pythoncom.VT_BYREF | pythoncom.VT_I4, swConst.swFileLoadWarning_AlreadyOpen)

swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, docType, docOpts, "", error, warning)

This is weird because VScode doesn't suggest any pythoncomconstants for me. Anyway, hope this will help someone facing this kind of problem.


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Salvador Dali Suppose I want to calculate the following f(f(...f(x)..). Basically, many functions themselves. Currently, I am doing the following to achieve this result (and return all intermediate steps): def iterator(function, x, n=4): x = float(x) a

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