What happened to my bitmap? How do I get the pixel data I draw?


Here is my animation buffer:

Bitmap PixBuffer;

This is how I create it:

PixBuffer = new Bitmap(ClientRectangle.Width, ClientRectangle.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

Here is my drawing:

Graphics Renderer { get { return Graphics.FromImage(PixBuffer); } }

Long story short. it works. I draw and I see changes. I am using a bitmap for the BackgroundImagewindow. Since the window has DoubleBuffered= true, it's silky and fast.

OK, then the WTF part. I try to clone part of bitmap, even whole part:

PixBuffer = (Bitmap)PixBuffer.Clone();

It doesn't make much sense, it shouldn't do anything with the displayed content. But guess what - the clone is empty! If I try to draw a PixBuffernew bitmap, the result is exactly the same . Display the contents of the PixBuffer. It can even stretch as a Windows background. But I don't see a way to replicate it. RotateFlipAlso has no effect.

What am I doing wrong? How do I get the pixel data I draw?

                Freeze = (Bitmap)PixBuffer.Clone();
                using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(Freeze)) {
                    g.FillRectangle(BrushF, 0, 0, 100, 100);
                    g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver;
                var test = (Bitmap)Freeze.Clone();
                BackgroundImage = test;

When set PixBufferto BackgroundImage- I get the image drawn. When set Freezeto BackgroundImage- I get a square.

Then if I clone Freeze, say Freeze1- I still get squares, the clone actually works for some bitmaps. But not happy on PixBuffer!

PixBuffer doesn't draw in one frame. Draw it as an animation in progress in about 30 seconds. After the animation is complete - I still have a screen - I want to manipulate this screen as a normal bitmap (like scaling etc). It appears that PixBuffer is write-only. I can still use it, but can't copy anything.

I even tried to cast it to and back to Icon- but it works exactly like BitmapI do with empty Bitmapobjects .

But it's not empty! I tested and I deleted BackgroundImage. I set another image in its place. Then I set PixBufferit again BacgroundImage- it's not empty, I've drawn everything.

I miss something.


This is one of those really nasty code bugs.

    void RenderFrame(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        using (var r = Graphics.FromImage(PixBuffer)) r.Clear(Color.Transparent);
        var end = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < Speed; i++) if (end = !UnmaskOne()) break;
        if (end) FreezeContent = true;

I tried copying the bitmap into a UnmaskOne()method which is called immediately after clearing the frame, because this method can detect if there are other methods that need to be unmasked. However, I had to wait for the bitmap to be copied - the bitmap should be drawn first using the RenderText()and RenderPattern()method . There is no magic here. Just plain human error.


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