How do I get my data back from my IpcMain


I am creating a drag and drop react and using electron to send and receive my file data. I received senderId and sender in console.log. How can I get the data to appear? What did I miss?

Dropzone.js file

const [fileNames, setFileNames] = useState([]);

const handleDrop = useCallback(acceptedFiles => {
  setFileNames(, ({ name, type, path, size, lastModified, 
   lastModifiedDate }) => {
    return { name, type, path, size, lastModified, lastModifiedDate };
  let formData = new FormData();
  formData.append('uploadedFiles', fileNames);
}, [fileNames]);

useEffect(() => {
  ipcRenderer.send(FETCH_AUDIO_FILES, fileNames);
}, [fileNames]); 

useEffect(() => {
  const handler = (filesWithData) => {, (event, data) => {
ipcRenderer.on(METADATA_COMPLETED, handler);
  return () => ipcRenderer.removeListener(METADATA_COMPLETED, handler);

Index.js file

 ipcMain.on(FETCH_AUDIO_FILES, (event, files) => {
    const promises =, (file) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, (err, tags) => {

Promise.all(promises).then(results => { 
  event.sender.send(METADATA_COMPLETED, results);
 [![enter image description here][1]][1]});

You cannot send special objects, such as files, over an IPC channel:

Parameters will be serialized using a structured clone algorithm, just like postMessage, so no prototype chain will be included. Sending a function, promise, symbol, WeakMap or WeakSet will throw an exception.
Note: Sending non-standard JavaScript types (such as DOM objects or special Electron objects) is deprecated and will throw exceptions starting with Electron 9.


You can read the file as a Base64 string, a buffer or whatever in the renderer process and send it to the main process, or if you want to select the file you can use e.g. https://www. ?


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