Text classification with scikit-learn: how to get a representation of a new document from a pickle model


I have a document binomial classifier that takes a tf-idf representation of a set of training documents and applies logistic regression to it:

lr_tfidf = Pipeline([('vect', tfidf),('clf', LogisticRegression(random_state=0))])

lr_tfidf.fit(X_train, y_train)

I save the model in pickle and use it to classify new documents:

text_model = pickle.load(open('text_model.pkl', 'rb'))
results = text_model.predict_proba(new_document)

How can I get the representation (features + frequencies) that the model uses for this new document without explicitly computing it?

EDIT: I'm trying to explain better what I'm trying to get. I used predict_proba and I want new documents to be represented as vectors of term frequencies (according to the rules used in the stored model) and these frequencies are multiplied by the coefficients learned by the logistic regression model to predict the class. am i right? If yes, how can I get the term and term frequency of the new document as used by predict_proba?

I am using sklearn v 0.19

Vivek Kumar

According to my comment, you need to access the tfidfVectorizer from inside the pipeline. This can easily be done by:

tfidfVect = text_model.named_steps['vect']

Now you can use the vectorizer 's transform()methods to get the tfidf value.

tfidf_vals = tfidfVect.transform(new_document)

The tfidf_valswill be a sparse matrix containing a single column of terms found in TFIDF new_document. To check which terms exist in this matrix, you need to use tfidfVect.get_feature_names().


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