Now that I've posted the content to my PHP script, how do I get it?


I posted the content with the following code:

function checkphp() {
    var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", 'testphp.php');
    xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xml.readyState == 4 && xml.status == 200) {
            document.body.innerHTML = xml.responseText;

I tried this:

echo($_POST['alame']) or die("Nothing was posted");

But it doesn't spits out "1". Any suggestions?


You will die 1because PHP is echoing the value of ($_POST['alname'])( true);

$someVar = 'test';
$someBool = false;

$a = ($someVar) || die();
echo $a; // 1
var_dump($a); //bool(true)

$a = ($someBool) || die(); // dies

In a language like JavaScript, you might expect different behavior:

// In JS
var someVal = false;
var somethingElse = someVal || "fallback";
console.log(somethingElse); // "fallback"

However, in PHP, the entire expression is evaluated, so

// In PHP
$someVal = false;
$somethingElse = $someVal || "fallback";
echo $somethingElse; // 1

$someVal || "fallback"evaluates to true because PHP boils it down to(false || true) => true

@jacouh is wrong because it's unpredictable 1, but completely true that you should check the variable some other way, like a ternary or similar, e.g.

    die("Noting was posted");

// Continue and do something with $_POST['alame'];


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