Some tags in anchor tag, text indent not working


I created the label inside the label and applied the indent text: -9999px; but it doesn't work

To be ADA compliant we need to add (new window) text in the anchor tag, but I don't want that text to be displayed so I used text-indent


<a href="#" target="_blank" title="">Privacy Notice<em class="textIndent">(new window)</em></a>


.textIndent { text-indent: -9999px; display: block; }

I want to hide the label's text without using display:none or visibility

master class

To handle this type of compliance, I'd rather not get the DOM dirty, a clean approach would be to add a new element with the desired warning message, and assign an ID to that element. No Add a aria-describedbyproperty with its value set to the appropriate ID of the message to be declared. Basic reference on how to do it:

<a href="#" target="_blank" aria-describedby="new-win-52" class="" title="link">External Link</a>
<span hidden="" id="new-win-52">Opens in new window</span>


Some tags in anchor tag, text indent not working

Rajaseca I created the label inside the label and applied the indent text: -9999px; but it doesn't work To be ADA compliant we need to add (new window) text in the anchor tag, but I don't want that text to be displayed so I used text-indent HTML: <a href="#" t

Text indent not working with anchor tags

Corinem I am using: <a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor.</a> CSS: a{text-indent:-9999px;} ...but that doesn't work. For example <p>, it works when I do it with another tab . I also tried adding overflow:hiddenCSS but it still does

Select li tags with specific anchor tag text

Wald Navid I have the following code: <ul id="ulId"> <div> <div> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">4RUNNER</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">86</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href

Select li tags with specific anchor tag text

Wald Navid I have the following code: <ul id="ulId"> <div> <div> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">4RUNNER</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">86</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href

Select li tags with specific anchor tag text

Wald Navid I have the following code: <ul id="ulId"> <div> <div> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">4RUNNER</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href="#">86</a></li> <li class="cModel" style=""><a href

Anchor tags not working in fancybox

username When I click "LOGOUT" I want to logout (redirect to logout page). <div id="emailverification" style="display:none;"> <div style="width: 100%;float:left;background-color: #E4E5EA;"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#emailverification").fancybox(

How to replace some text in href of anchor tag in jQuery

Ram Singh I have few url anchors like "http%3a/ test" and I want to replace it with " Test" on the window loading function, I have tried the following code but it does not update the url of the an

How to replace some text in href of anchor tag in jQuery

Ram Singh I have few url anchors like "http%3a/ test" and I want to replace it with " Test" on the window loading function, I have tried the following code but it does not update the url of the an

How to replace some text in href of anchor tag in jQuery

Ram Singh I have few url anchors like "http%3a/ test" and I want to replace it with " Test" on the window loading function, I have tried the following code, but it doesn't update the anchor tag's

How to replace some text in href of anchor tag in jQuery

Ram Singh I have few url anchors like "http%3a/ test" and I want to replace it with " Test" on the window loading function, I have tried the following code, but it doesn't update the anchor tag's

Why is text indent not working?

User 9757285 I want to indent the first line of text in each paragraph p3 { display: inline; text-indent: 50px; font-family: Helvetica, serif; font-size: 30px; font-weight: 100; margin-top: 40px; } selence Ignoring your issue with invalid selector

Anchor tag not working in Gridview

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anchor tag onclick not working

fabulous HTML code: <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="btnSaveComments" runat="server" onclick="EnterComments();" class="btn btn-sm btn-info no-radius">&nbsp;Send</a> JavaScript code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#btnSaveComments").click(funct

Anchor tag not working in Gridview

pearl <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="test"> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <a href="Aboutus.aspx"> <asp:ImageButton runat="server" ImageUrl="~/image/background-imag

anchor tag onclick not working

fabulous HTML code: <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="btnSaveComments" runat="server" onclick="EnterComments();" class="btn btn-sm btn-info no-radius">&nbsp;Send</a> JavaScript code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#btnSaveComments").click(funct

Click on anchor tag with text

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Click on anchor tag with text

Tania How to click on anchor tag with specific text? For example, I have the following anchors in my page <a>one</a> <a>two</a> <a>three</a> Now, the user enters one. How to click a label with text as one? I tried this: var uservar='one'; $('a [text=$uservar]

Indent text on html select tag

No I have a select tag and I am trying to give it some styling. <select class="points-selection" ng-options="line as line.pick for line in slip.lines"> </select> then i have this .points-selection { background-color: get-color(nieve); border

Indent text on html select tag

No I have a select tag and I am trying to give it some styling. <select class="points-selection" ng-options="line as line.pick for line in slip.lines"> </select> then i have this .points-selection { background-color: get-color(nieve); border

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

My anchor tags are not working.

Froy The problem is that as stated in the title, clicking on an image wrapped with an anchor tag doesn't work. Here is an example of a grid list item: <li class="grid-list-item"> <h3 class="grid-trail-name">Marshall Canyon</h3><span class="grid-loc

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

CSS styles for anchor tags not working

Turbo 123 I put some links on the page, added the link to a css file to the html, but the styles are not showing. HTML: <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="te

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl