Anchor tags not working in fancybox


When I click "LOGOUT" I want to logout (redirect to logout page).

<div id="emailverification" style="display:none;">
<div style="width: 100%;float:left;background-color: #E4E5EA;">

$(document).ready(function () {
        closeClick: false, // prevents closing when clicking INSIDE fancybox 
        openEffect: 'none',
        closeEffect: 'none',
        closeBtn: false,
        keys: {
            close: null
        helpers: {
            overlay: {
                closeClick: false
            // prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancybox 

Check the html code in JSFIDDLE .


Try this code:

$(document).ready(function() {
             closeClick  : false, // prevents closing when clicking INSIDE fancybox 
             openEffect  : 'none',
             closeEffect : 'none',             
             closeBtn : false,             
//             keys : {
//                close  : null
//             },
             helpers   : { 
              overlay : {closeClick: false} // prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancybox 


Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

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Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

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Froy The problem is that as stated in the title, clicking on an image wrapped with an anchor tag doesn't work. Here is an example of a grid list item: <li class="grid-list-item"> <h3 class="grid-trail-name">Marshall Canyon</h3><span class="grid-loc

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Text indent not working with anchor tags

Corinem I am using: <a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor.</a> CSS: a{text-indent:-9999px;} ...but that doesn't work. For example <p>, it works when I do it with another tab . I also tried adding overflow:hiddenCSS but it still does

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

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Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

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Some tags in anchor tag, text indent not working

Rajaseca I created the label inside the label and applied the indent text: -9999px; but it doesn't work To be ADA compliant we need to add (new window) text in the anchor tag, but I don't want that text to be displayed so I used text-indent HTML: <a href="#" t

Anchor tags are not working properly in my Laravel website

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Anukul Here is my JSP code <td width="25%" align="left" valign="top" class="mainContainer"> You may start another session by clicking below <a id="loginLink" href="#" onclick="redirectURL()" target="_top"><span>Login</span></a> </td> My JS code is funct

Anchor tags on tags not redirecting

ubs0305 I need to add hyperlinks on each tab. After adding it and clicking the tab, the page is not redirecting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .tabset input[type=radio]{position:absolute;left:-200vw}.tabset .tab-panel{display:none}.tabset>input:first-

Anchor tags on tags not redirecting

ubs0305 I need to add hyperlinks on each tab. After adding it and clicking the tab, the page is not redirecting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .tabset input[type=radio]{position:absolute;left:-200vw}.tabset .tab-panel{display:none}.tabset>input:first-

Anchor tags on tags not redirecting

ubs0305 I need to add hyperlinks on each tab. After adding it and clicking the tab, the page is not redirecting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .tabset input[type=radio]{position:absolute;left:-200vw}.tabset .tab-panel{display:none}.tabset>input:first-

Anchor tags on tags not redirecting

ubs0305 I need to add hyperlinks on each tab. After adding it and clicking the tab, the page is not redirecting. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .tabset input[type=radio]{position:absolute;left:-200vw}.tabset .tab-panel{display:none}.tabset>input:first-