Text indent not working with anchor tags



I am using:

<a href="">Lorem ipsum dolor.</a>



...but that doesn't work. For example <p>, it works when I do it with another tab .

I also tried adding overflow:hiddenCSS but it still doesn't work. I think there is a conceptual error with this CSS property.

Chris Bedoya

As other answers have suggested, you can only apply to text-indent: -9999pxblock elements. You can use display: inline-blockor display: block;and it will work.

I also recommend using

text-indent: 100%;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;

Not text-indent: -9999px;because -9999px forces the browser to create 9999px boxes offscreen. Learn more about this "hack" here : http://www.zeldman.com/2012/03/01/replacing-the-9999px-hack-new-image-replacement/


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Some tags in anchor tag, text indent not working

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Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

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Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

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Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Anchor tags not working on laravel 5.2

Azario Times I wouldn't make direct pages with anchor tags in blade template engine, but it doesn't work. _sidebar.blade.php <li class="active treeview"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}"> <i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Menu Utama</span> </a>

Animation not working on all anchor tags

Barwick I'm having a problem with the arrow animation on hover of an anchor tag. When I hover over the first Anchor label animation it works fine and changes the style using JavaScript. But the problem is when I use multiple Anchor tags, it only works perfectl

Animation not working on all anchor tags

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