How to add custom menu icon to menu bar in macOS with Electron?


I want to add a custom menu in the menu bar of a mac with electron (nodejs). How can it be done in electron?



Slawomir Chodnicki

I think you are looking for the tray API


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How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

How to add custom menu to bottom app bar?

Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc

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work for life I'm modifying a plugin that adds a custom TinyMCE menu in WP. I need to be able to add icons to dropdown menu items and submenu items. I have icons enabled, which add space to it in the HTML, but can't figure out where JS can put them in. createC

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How to add custom image/icon in ANTD design menu?

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How to hide Electron.js menu bar

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