Add icon to TinyMCE custom menu

work for life

I'm modifying a plugin that adds a custom TinyMCE menu in WP. I need to be able to add icons to dropdown menu items and submenu items. I have icons enabled, which add space to it in the HTML, but can't figure out where JS can put them in.

createControl:function(d,e){if(d=="ss_button"){d=e.createMenuButton("ss_button",{title:"SS Shortcodes",image:"../wp-content/plugins/ss-shorts/js/images/shortcodes.png",icons:true});var a=this;

b.addSeparator();c=b.addMenu({image:"../wp-content/plugins/ss-shorts/js/images/uparrow.png",title:" Arrows"});
a.addImmediate(c,"Right Arrow","[rightarrow]");
a.addImmediate(c,"Left Arrow","[leftarrow]");
a.addImmediate(c,"Up Arrow","[uparrow]");
a.addImmediate(c,"Down Arrow","[downarrow]");

Adding an image before or after the menu item title: doesn't work, neither does "icon:". The icon is initially set to false in the first part. I set it to true which leaves room for the icon. Just can't figure out how to get them in there.

work for life

I realized that I can use the menu item class to add the icon as a background image. Elegant, yet powerful.


Add icon to TinyMCE custom menu

work for life I'm modifying a plugin that adds a custom TinyMCE menu in WP. I need to be able to add icons to dropdown menu items and submenu items. I have icons enabled, which add space to it in the HTML, but can't figure out where JS can put them in. createC

Add icon to TinyMCE custom menu

work for life I'm modifying a plugin that adds a custom TinyMCE menu in WP. I need to be able to add icons to dropdown menu items and submenu items. I have icons enabled, which add space to it in the HTML, but can't figure out where JS can put them in. createC

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