How to add custom image/icon in ANTD design menu?

Johnny Shruder

Using this example :

How to add custom image or icon instead of default icon.

I tried:

<Menu.Item to="/" key="2">
  <img className="ant-menu-item" src={require('image.png')} />
  <Link to="/shopify">Home</Link>

But that doesn't look good or respects the behavior of the crash

<Menu.Item to="/" key="2">
    <img className="ant-menu-item" src=="{{ "image.png" | asset_url }}"/>
    <Link to="/shopify">Home</Link>


How to add custom image/icon in ANTD design menu?

Johnny Shruder Using this example : How to add custom image or icon instead of default icon. I tried: <Menu.Item to="/" key="2"> <img className="ant-menu-item" src={require('image.png')} />

How to add custom image/icon in ANTD design menu?

Johnny Shruder Using this example : How to add custom image or icon instead of default icon. I tried: <Menu.Item to="/" key="2"> <img className="ant-menu-item" src={require('image.png')} />

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albert I am using an application with this structure: The app doesn't have an initial ActionBar, so I add it to each Activity's OnCreate in the following way: barra =( getLayoutInflater().in

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albert I am using an application with this structure: The app doesn't have an initial ActionBar, so I add it to each Activity's OnCreate in the following way: barra =( getLayoutInflater().in

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albert I am using an application with this structure: The app doesn't have an initial ActionBar, so I add it to each Activity's OnCreate in the following way: barra =( getLayoutInflater().in

How to add custom menu to actionBar

albert I am using an application with this structure: The app doesn't have an initial ActionBar, so I add it to each Activity's OnCreate in the following way: barra =( getLayoutInflater().in

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albert I am using an application with this structure: The app doesn't have an initial ActionBar, so I add it to each Activity's OnCreate in the following way: barra =( getLayoutInflater().in

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Zankrut Parmar I am using the new Material Bottom app bar in android. I have successfully implemented it, but I don't know how to add a custom menu item to the bar. Whenever I add menu items, they only show as 3 dots, even though I provide the android:showAsAc