Snakemake: How to specify absolute path to shell command


I'm writing a snakemake rule that uses multiple commands like this:

rule RULE1:
  input: 'path/to/input.file'
  output: 'path/to/output.file'
  shell: 'path/to/command1 {input} | /path/to/command2 | /path/to/command3 {output}'

If /path/to/command1it's really long, the rules get a little unwieldy. Is there a way to specify it elsewhere cmd1='/path/to/command1'and use it {cmd1}in the rule ? I know, I can use something like params: cmd1='/path/to/command1'this and use it as follows:

rule RULE1:
  input: 'path/to/input.file'
  output: 'path/to/output.file'
  shell: '{cmd1} {input} | {cmd2}| {cmd3} {output}'

But the workaround requires me to specify it separately for each rule and cannot use relative paths.

What is the standard way to do this kind of thing?


The shelldirective takes a string as an argument, you can construct it, but you prefer e.g.

cmd1= 'foo'
cmd2= 'bar'

rule one:
        cmd1 + ' {input}' + ' | ' + cmd2 + ' > {output}'


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