Java 7 - How SSL trusts all certificates

Uri Lukach

I'm writing a Java proxy that uses SSL to communicate with other servers. With ServerSocketFactory and keystore and truststore populated by server certificate everything works perfectly.

I was wondering, is there a way in Java 7 to disable authentication and trust all servers? (yes, I know it's risky - this proxy is for internal use only)

I've seen some examples of using X509TrustManager implementations to implement TrustManager, although apparently Java 7 doesn't support these contracts and X509TrustManager itself is deprecated.

Thanks for the suggestions and all the code samples that work on Java 7.

Uri Lukach

What I did is to implement using the code mentioned in this article

Note: This is the second solution offered.

The post doesn't mention that you should also add the keystore to get things working. Therefore, these VM parameters should also be set (unless you will get a " no cipher suites in common" error message ):


I hope this helps you as it's not mentioned anywhere I've looked.


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