How to list all available SSL CA certificates on CentOS 6?

Nathan Basanese

After installing the certificate, it's hard to tell if I've successfully trusted a given certificate, especially for the root CA.

To check if I have successfully installed a certificate without making an SSL request to a server that may or may not provide the service, I want to list all the ssl certificates available system wide .

I followed the instructions here and they worked:

Also, this asks a similar question, but provides an answer for the gentoo system:

List all available ssl ca certificates

Nathan Basanese

//, use opensslcommand to get output from it/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

Anyway, I tried the following, mostly copied from , and it seems to work if I change the filename to CentOS 6:

If you don't want to bother with that flag or similar on --insecurecURL, , wgetGit, etc , you can add a CA root certificate, self-signed certificate or certificate chain to your truststore like this:

1. Follow the instructions to download .crt, .pemor .cerof your choice.

2. Obtain the certificate you want to trust by using any mechanism, usually downloading the certificate from a central repository openssl s_client -showcerts -connect, or extracting the certificate from the SSL handshake using or similar , and copying it to the following folder on the target CentOS 6 host :


While logged in to the target host, run the following command:

    $ sudo update-ca-trust enable; sudo update-ca-trust extract

Verify the result on Red Hat based OS , for example:

    $ awk -v cmd='openssl x509 -noout -subject' '
        /BEGIN/{close(cmd)};{print | cmd}' < /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

This will produce a long list of responses of the form:

    subject= /C=US/O=MyCorp/CN=root-ca-2048

Step 4 above answers the question, the others provide context for the unwary.


How to list all available SSL CA certificates on CentOS 6?

Nathan Basanese After installing the certificate, it's hard to tell if I've successfully trusted a given certificate, especially for the root CA. To check if I have successfully installed a certificate without making an SSL request to a server that may or may

How to list all available SSL CA certificates on CentOS 6?

Nathan Basanese After installing the certificate, it's hard to tell if I've successfully trusted a given certificate, especially for the root CA. To check if I have successfully installed a certificate without making an SSL request to a server that may or may

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