How to pass value from HTML field to component ts

Hasoun GH

I'm sending a value from an HTML page to a TS component without using a form, I get a build error when trying to npm run build, here is the example:

I use > npm run dev or > ng build no problem, but when I build it for production it gives an error using

npm run build

src\app\messages\messages-new\messages-new.component.html(52,22):: Property 'messageTitle' does not exist on type 'MessagesNewComponent'.


<input matInput placeholder="Type a title" name="messageTitle" [(ngModel)]="messageTitle">

<button class="simple-form-button" color="primary" mat-raised-button type="submit"  value="submit" (click)="sendMessage(messageTitle)">
      <mat-icon>send</mat-icon> Send 

This means you need to declare variables in component.ts.

messageTitle : string;


How to pass value from HTML field to component ts

Hasoun GH I'm sending a value from an HTML page to a TS component without using a form, I get a build error when trying to npm run build, here is the example: I use > npm run dev or > ng build no problem, but when I build it for production it gives an error us

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