How to pass i=index value from ionic 4 html file to .ts file for method?

Thomas DeGroot

I have a *ngFor that uses let i = index and indexes the array as expected.


  <div *ngFor="let fromItem of listResults let i=index;">
    <ion-item  (click)="openSubsetPage( i )" detail>
      <ion-badge color="light">{{filter}} / {{listNumber[i].Questions.length}}</ion-badge>

What I'm trying to accomplish is to use the [i] from the html file in this.filter on line 5 of my .ts file. I wish to replace [0] with [i]. I'm not sure what to do.


GetList(){ => {
    this.listResults = JSON.parse(val);
    this.listNumber = this.listResults;
    this.filter = this.listNumber[0].Questions.filter((c: { input: any; }) => !!c.input).length;

If you want to calculate the filter value before loading the view, you have to create another array filter[]and store the calculated value.

let filter[];

GetList() { => {
    this.listResults = JSON.parse(val);
    this.listNumber = this.listResults;

    this.listNumber.forEach((item, index) => {
      this.filter[index] = this.listNumber[index].Questions
        .filter((c: { input: any }) => !!c.input).length;

and use in template

<ion-badge color="light"> {{ filter[i] }} / {{listNumber[i].Questions.length}}</ion-badge>

Another way is to create a method that computes this filter value for a list item at a given index.

getFilter(index) {
  return this.listNumber[index].Questions.filter((c: { input: any }) => !!c.input).length;

and use in template

<ion-badge color="light"> {{ getFilter(i) }} / {{listNumber[i].Questions.length}}</ion-badge>


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