Cannot pass search term as parameter


I want to display some data in a dropdown list and implement autocomplete. To do this, I use select2a jQuery plugin. My problem is that the search term written in the search box is not being passed as a parameter to my method in the controller. Here is my ajax request:

        minimumInputLength: 1,
        allowClear: true,

        ajax: {
            url: "/controllerName/methodName",
            dataType: "json",
            type: "GET",
            data: function (params) {

                var queryParameters = {
                    term: params.term

                return queryParameters;


            processResults: function (data) {
                return {
                    results: $.map(data, function (students) {
                        return {

Here is the html:

<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="someId" class="col-md-2 control-label"></label>
 <div class="col-md-4">
<select asp-for="someId"  class="form-control" style="display:table-cell; 

This is my method in the controller:

        public IActionResult GetStudents(string searchTerm)
        //some code

Is there something wrong with my Ajax request?


You are sending a variable called "term" as your search parameter. But your controller needs a variable called "searchTerm".

The variable names need to match, otherwise how does the controller know what to pick from the query string?

Especially consider the very common case of sending multiple parameters from the browser. At this point, the naming convention is critical, so the correct parameters match the correct variables in the controller method.


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rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

cannot pass parameter 1 by reference

Zorono So I'm trying to check if the value of the variable is equal to the last row of the array, if($ver == end(Self::Supported_Version) {}but it results in Cannot Pass Parameter 1 by referencean error... my code: namespace John; class SP { const Supported_