Cannot pass state parameter to mutation


I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react.

Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to again confirming that it was saved correctly).

On the backend, I have a mutationlike: userCreate(input: UserInput): Userit explicitly accepts this field input.

The issue is:

How to properly perform mutating bound values ​​from this.state.datafields ?

I have the following code so far:

onChange = e =>
      data: {, []: }

  handleSubmit = async () => {
    const { name, email, externalId, userCode} =
      input: {

Here's what the mutation looks like:

mutation userCreateQuery($name: String!, $email: String!, $externalId: String!, $userCode: String!) {
  userCreate(input: {
    Name: $name,
    Email: $email,
    ExternalId: $externalId,
    UserCode: $userCode}) {

Component packaging:

const NewUserFormWithData = graphql(QUERY_PERSON_MUTATION, { name: 'userCreateQuery' })(NewUserForm);

    export default withApollo(NewUserFormWithData)

Update 1:


const typeDefs = `
type User {
   UserId: Int
   /* other fields */

input UserInput {
   UserId: Int
   UserCode: String
   /* other fields */

type Mutation {
   userCreate(input: UserInput): User
   userUpdate(userId: Int, input: UserInput): User    
Alexandre France

You have to use data in variable keys:

  variables: {
      input: {

PS.: I don't know your graphql server, but you probably don't use key input for mutation work.

We have already discussed:

The mutation you entered.

    mutation userCreateQuery($name: String!, $email: String!, $externalId: String!, $userCode: String!) {
        Name: $name,
        Email: $email,
        ExternalId: $externalId,
        UserCode: $userCode) {

  variables: {


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rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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Cannot pass state parameter to mutation

rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

Cannot pass state parameter to mutation

rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

Cannot pass state parameter to mutation

rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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Cannot pass state parameter to mutation

rebirth I read the documentation about it, but there are still some problems Apollo graphql clientwith combining Apolloand react. Consider, we have a simple form with 4 fields with a submit button. After pressing submit, the value in the field will be saved to

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Bisla It's easy to see the tasks to be done here. Read a list of files and pass it to another function. Why doesn't this work. When I try to store the filename in a local char** it works fine, but I can't send it back via a pointer. gives segmentation fault. i

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the following I want to pass an object to a state. Here's how I do it: .state('options', { url: "/options?current_task", views: { "middle": { templateUrl: "/games/options.html" } } This is what I said: $state.go("options", {cur